Obsessive-Compulsive Blog

This is where I blog about all the new OCD stuff that I learn about every day. I will provide you with my best and must up-to-date information on what I think is useful in becoming OCD free! Enjoy ;p

Monday, November 29, 2010

Your Personal Mentoring

It was great talking with you today all the way from London :-)

here is the link I promised you where you can get access to my mentoring and all of my OCD programs.

click here to view your signup page <----------------------
talk soon,

Derek J. Soto


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - The Cold, Hard Facts

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a disorder of the mind that is symptomatic of intrusive thoughts that create anxiety in the sufferer. People who suffer from this perform rituals aimed at reducing their anxiety which are oftentimes disruptive to their lives. These behaviors can range from excessive hand-washing and extensive hoarding to obsessive thoughts (oftentimes negative) in regard to sexual behavior, religion, or aggression. These symptoms are time-consuming and can make a person feel like they are going crazy. People who suffer from OCD can be perceived as paranoid and in some cases they can appear to some as psychotic.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is fourth among the most common mental disorders and is diagnosed incredibly often (nearly as often as diabetes and asthma). In the USA one in 50 adults suffer from this mental disorder. The effects of OCD can vary, some examples would be opening and closing a door a certain amount of times before leaving it open or closed, having difficulty with odd or even numbers, or having an obsession with keeping objects perfectly aligned so that they are perceived as completely straight by the sufferer. People who suffer from these compulsions generally recognize the irrationality of their actions except in extreme cases.

Many who suffer with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder act on their compulsions because they feel that they must while others act on it primarily to reduce or at least attempt to eliminate the anxiety they are feeling altogether. The person may feel that taking these steps will result in them preventing an event they dread from becoming a reality or that it will help them to push the thoughts from their mind. Unfortunately, regardless of the circumstance, the sufferer's reasoning in regard to OCD is so distorted that it results in great stress for the sufferer as well as their loved ones.

For some people who suffer the effects of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, the tasks that they find themselves doing because of it can take up hours of their day which makes it hard for them to find the time to complete other more necessary tasks such as completing their work, spending time with their family, or having a social life. In some cases, these compulsions can lead to physical symptoms. People who obsessively wash their hands to combat germs can end up with dermatitis. For people witnessing these actions, it's often viewed as an exercise in pointlessness but to the sufferer it can feel like these actions are of the utmost importance.

There is a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder which is nicknamed "Pure O" which is essentially OCD but lacking the outside components for the most part. People who deal with this have thoughts that are obsessive and can lead them to believe that they are dangerous or even sexually confused, the amount of people with this type of OCD could characterize up to as much as 50 to 60 percent of all cases. You have come to the right place when looking for information regarding OCD because I have a lot of experience on the subject matter and have plenty for you to learn. Click below to get great information on OCD!

To get cutting edge techniques to beat OCD permanently click here: "Obsessive Compulsive Disorder"

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Pure OCD - The Most Important Facts About It

The nature of Pure OCD changes depending on the individual but the main scenario that people experience is dealing with disturbing unwanted thoughts or questions that come to their minds. Some examples of this would be inappropriate thoughts in their head in regard to people such as murder or violence as well as anti-religious thoughts that can occur even if you are a religious person. People who deal with this kind of OCD find themselves questioning their very minds. They ask themselves things like "Am I really capable of that sort of thing?", "Is that something that could actually happen?", or "is that really the kind of person that I am?".

People with Pure OCD experience a variety of different types. Some examples of this would be: an excessive amount of concern in regard to one's health or safety or belief that they themselves are somehow guilty of possibly harming or having harmed someone. A person who questions their sexuality due to this kind of OCD which is also known as HOCD or "Homosexual OCD", this kind of OCD gets them to question their sexuality even if they are more than clearly what they are, this can even happen while they are in a perfectly happy relationship.

Pure OCD can be alarming sometimes because the nature of thoughts that come to a given person's mind. An example of this would be thoughts of violence or violent behavior. This scenario gets the sufferer thinking thoughts of possibly hurting themselves or someone else. Another example of this is when the sufferer has thoughts of harming a child or thoughts akin to pedophilia even though they actually don't have such a proclivity. The nature of this kind of OCD, however, is that it is based in thought and not something that they would actually do in the majority of cases.

A factor regarding Pure OCD is that the sufferers generally appear like normal and actively functional people that live regular lives. These people, however, are oftentimes seeking out answers in regard to their thoughts which can likely exacerbate their symptoms because it likely will bring them no closer to the answer that they seek. This behavior can be very time consuming and will likely make a person miserable if continuing to do so. Constant answer seeking can be very stressful when it continually results in them being no closer to the answer they are seeking.

Pure OCD is very often missed by doctors due to its nature of being mostly mental driven without many outward signs. The symptoms often resemble generalized anxiety disorder which puts the doctor on the wrong track in regard to what the sufferer may actually be dealing with. An unfortunate side effect of dealing with a therapist in regard to their symptoms is that they often try to offer them reassurance and try to help them gain a definitive answer to their problem which will only end up contributing to the intensity or length of the sufferer's condition. You've come to the right place if you are seeking help in regard to these issues. I've dealt with many forms of OCD and have answers for you! Take a look at the information below. Enjoy!

To get cutting edge techniques to beat OCD permanently click here: "Pure OCD"

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Pure OCD - How to Get Rid of it Now Before It's Too Late

Pure OCD can be tough for anyone who does not have solid information on what it is. Let's go ahead and clear that up right now shall we? Alright, here it is. Sometimes people have obsessive thoughts that really get to them in such a way that they perform mental rituals to try to alleviate the anxiety that they feel. Some of the time people will automatically dismiss these thoughts and these are the people without OCD. Sometimes people who have these thoughts panic about them, these are the people with OCD. I want you to know that if you have OCD, it can be stopped, so don't lose hope. I am speaking from experience.

Some of the time, when people have pure OCD they find that it turns into physical OCD where they actually do physical rituals and this is nothing to worry about this as this is the next logical step for the brain. However what you need to know is that there is a way to stop both and I will start to describe how to do that right now. Some of the things that you can do is realize when you are having obsessive thoughts. Once you realize this tell yourself, "Stop!" Then ask yourself what you would rather think about like this, "What would I rather think about?" Pretty simple right?

Now what you want to do is think about things that you love, such as the beach and the waves and the ocean and the smell of the beach and the sand etc. The more detailed you can get the better. Pure OCD is something that can be mitigated by changing what you think about. Well think about this, if you are not thinking about your mental rituals, then at that moment you are not suffering from obsessive thoughts. What you need to do is to train your brain to prioritize your thoughts. People with pure OCD make a big deal out of their thoughts with panic, all this does is cement the thought in their brain more.

So don't you think for one second that I'm going to instruct you to day dream all day long to get rid of pure OCD. No, I want you to use the above example as practice. Some of the questions that you can use to divert your thinking are questions like, "What is something that I can do to make my spouse feel special?" "What are some of the things that I can do to get a raise or help more people in my business?" You can and should use diverting thoughts that will not only divert you from wasting your mental power on useless obsessions to thinking about productive things that actually matter. Can you see how powerful this can be?

Pure OCD is something that we can see as a non issue if we first learn to divert our thinking to thoughts that will actually serve us and not hurt us. We can understand now that we actually have power over the things that we focus on. We cannot control the thoughts that pop into our heads, but we can control what kind of thoughts we focus on and what kind of mental thought life we will have. What kind of thought life do want to have? One that is all about pure OCD thoughts or one that is about productive and fun things that will enrich your life and the lives of the loved ones around you? I have some more great information for you below that will help make this a reality for you, enjoy!

To get cutting edge techniques to beat OCD permanently click here: "Pure OCD"

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pure OCD - The Most Important Facts About It

The nature of Pure OCD changes depending on the individual but the main scenario that people experience is dealing with disturbing unwanted thoughts or questions that come to their minds. Some examples of this would be inappropriate thoughts in their head in regard to people such as murder or violence as well as anti-religious thoughts that can occur even if you are a religious person. People who deal with this kind of OCD find themselves questioning their very minds. They ask themselves things like "Am I really capable of that sort of thing?", "Is that something that could actually happen?", or "is that really the kind of person that I am?".

People with Pure OCD experience a variety of different types. Some examples of this would be: an excessive amount of concern in regard to one's health or safety or belief that they themselves are somehow guilty of possibly harming or having harmed someone. A person who questions their sexuality due to this kind of OCD which is also known as HOCD or "Homosexual OCD", this kind of OCD gets them to question their sexuality even if they are more than clearly what they are, this can even happen while they are in a perfectly happy relationship.

Pure OCD can be alarming sometimes because the nature of thoughts that come to a given person's mind. An example of this would be thoughts of violence or violent behavior. This scenario gets the sufferer thinking thoughts of possibly hurting themselves or someone else. Another example of this is when the sufferer has thoughts of harming a child or thoughts akin to pedophilia even though they actually don't have such a proclivity. The nature of this kind of OCD, however, is that it is based in thought and not something that they would actually do in the majority of cases.

A factor regarding Pure OCD is that the sufferers generally appear like normal and actively functional people that live regular lives. These people, however, are oftentimes seeking out answers in regard to their thoughts which can likely exacerbate their symptoms because it likely will bring them no closer to the answer that they seek. This behavior can be very time consuming and will likely make a person miserable if continuing to do so. Constant answer seeking can be very stressful when it continually results in them being no closer to the answer they are seeking.

Pure OCD is very often missed by doctors due to its nature of being mostly mental driven without many outward signs. The symptoms often resemble generalized anxiety disorder which puts the doctor on the wrong track in regard to what the sufferer may actually be dealing with. An unfortunate side effect of dealing with a therapist in regard to their symptoms is that they often try to offer them reassurance and try to help them gain a definitive answer to their problem which will only end up contributing to the intensity or length of the sufferer's condition. You've come to the right place if you are seeking help in regard to these issues. I've dealt with many forms of OCD and have answers for you! Take a look at the information below. Enjoy!

To get cutting edge techniques to beat OCD permanently click here: "Pure OCD"

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Pure OCD - Why I Hate Pure OCD

Pure OCD is the worst thing that I have ever gone through when I was struggling with OCD. The reason why it bothered me so much is because I had no clue what was going on and it made me feel like I was going crazy. What I found out Pure OCD is when we do rituals but in our heads. One of the things that I used to repeat to myself over and over is: "Hate bad, love God". Another thing that I did was repeating this mantra every time that I had a thought that I considered sinful. I have heard that other people have had thoughts that were anti-religious when the person themselves were believers as well as thinking thoughts such as taking God's name in vain, even by accident, and it scares them.

Another reason why so many people suffer with Pure OCD is because it takes doctors and therapists to recognize what it is. There are so many people that are suffering from this useless malady because professionals need to be better trained to notice when people are suffering from these thoughts. What some doctors have found out about Pure OCD is that it is harder to recognize than the other versions, this is because it's mostly contained within one's thoughts and not displayed as much on the surface. There are some behaviors that can help you understand that they deal with this type of OCD, some examples of this are silent prayers, they may also constantly ask for reassurance that they will not and/or have not committed an act that they consider wrong.

But the worst reason why I hate Pure OCD is because it requires you to think in a whole new way to get rid of it, we are used to looking at the world in a certain way and when we are faced with these internal obsessive thoughts, we have to learn how to look from the outside into minds in order to start to get a picture of what is going on. We also need to learn how to not be afraid of the fears that are associated with Pure OCD. Also note that Pure OCD is strictly obsessive thoughts and not outward rituals. What other professionals have found out about this kind of OCD is that behavioral therapy can be beneficial to those who suffer from it although this will not cure it permanently.

My brother suffered with Pure OCD for a long time, and sometimes he would act in certain ways that made me wonder if there was something wrong with him. I would notice that he would organize things in a certain way and I realized that this was started because of Pure OCD. I then helped him to realize that Pure OCD is only based in fear and if he faced the fears, the OCD could not exist. Some of the other things that I've told him about this type of OCD is that it's likely affecting him in areas he doesn't even think it is such as how he handles conversation and how he views specific things such as aligning his Xbox perpendicular to the wall to the best of his ability.

One of my favorite things about Pure OCD is the fact that once you figure out how it works, and once you figure out how to face the fears that drive it. It is relatively easy to overcome it because you develop a system. Unfortunately many people have tried medications as well as multiple types of therapies to combat their OCD and unfortunately for many people in the world this has been completely ineffective. There is hope though, you've found someone who has had a lot of experience with OCD and can help you overcome it. Below I have some excellent information that will help you stop your Pure OCD, Enjoy!

To get cutting edge techniques to beat OCD permanently click here: "Pure OCD"

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether. Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Pure OCD - Powerful Information You Need to Know

Pure OCD as a type of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is less known than the common OCD type. This type of OCD takes the form of the sufferer fearing their own thoughts. They think things such as sporadic cursing in their minds, blasphemous statements, and gruesome images. This drives the sufferer to believe that they could be grotesquely sinful, evil at their core, or setting themselves up for future horrible actions. These thoughts drive the sufferer into behaviors that can consist of compulsory prayer, avoidance or mental habits which are meant to reduce or eliminate the anxiety they are feeling at the time.

There are many forms of treatment in regard to Pure OCD. As a first step the sufferer could delay the things that they do because of the thoughts they have (Compulsive Praying, avoidance etc). In order to progress with their treatment they need to be successful at delaying their response to the thoughts until a later point in time. Overcoming OCD is not an overnight thing, it's meant to be treated in steps rather than big leaps. Taking this step is a way to help the sufferer overcome their anxiety. As they slowly proceed with lengthening the amount of time between their thoughts and their actions in response to them, they will eventually start to feel the anxiety decrease.

The next step in overcoming Pure OCD could be to not respond to the obsessions at all. In order for a sufferer to achieve this, they need to take another look at the way they perceive the danger in their thoughts. For instance, if someone has this OCD and it's directed at religion, it could be helpful to remember that an involuntary thought should not be considered sinful and that God isn't vengeful and it's not like he'd punish someone for having an involuntary thought.

When people dealing with Pure OCD have thoughts that could be considered violent in nature, such as murdering someone or harming themselves, they could ask themselves: are my thoughts hurting people? If I imagine hurting myself am I actually hurting myself? It's important to note that people who suffer from this type of OCD rarely if ever at all actually act on these thoughts that their minds show them. An OCD Workbook by Bruce Hyman and Cherry Pedrick state that "People with the Pure-O form of OCD are extremely unlikely to ever carry out the horrific acts and urges that pop into their heads."

The ultimate goal of exposure-response prevention in regard to Pure OCD is to reduce the anxiety associated with the thoughts of the sufferer. These thoughts generally have a negative impact and can often shock or scare the sufferer. The goal is that by preventing one's self from acting on the compulsions that come along with the thoughts. With repeated encounters with the thoughts while abstaining from the compulsions that come along with them comes a reduction in anxiety, this can be to the point where the obsessions themselves begin to decrease. I have some great OCD information for you below!

To get cutting edge techniques to beat OCD permanently click here: "Pure OCD"

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.