Dirty tricks of Obsessive compulsive behavior and OCD
The dirty little tricks of OCD are as follows. We suffer from obsessive compulsive behavior in various ways. The most common example of OCD is washing your hands too many times. Why do we do this?
Why do we who suffer in this way? It's all based on the beliefs that we have formed according to facts and conjecture we have heard from various sources. There could be other causes. What we need to realize is that all these are is just faulty associations.
So what happens once we get to the point where we can get ourselves to stop washing our hands excessively? Well our obsessive compulsive behavior morphs of course! We go from washing our hands to not touching things at all, to wearing gloves, etc.
What is it then that we can do to solve this mystery of OCD? It's dirty little tricks that seem to not want to let us become free from it's grasp. We need to understand what kind of behavior we must practice in order to curb this tendency of OCD.
We only need to simply watch others who do not have obsessive compulsive disorder to understand how to act with non OCD behavior. We need not to give into our cravings to perform a ritual for temporary relief in exchange for long term suffering.
It's not wise to think that we can indulge in OCD today and choose to quit tomorrow easily. Every time we perform a ritual, it's gets stronger in our minds. It's not the ritual however, it's what's behind the ritual, the fear that drives the ritual, which makes us feel compelled to perform it.
We simply need to break the cycle all together. We need to face the underlying fear that is driving this behavior and we will find that all rituals that we used to do to support this fear are no longer necessary. Our brains then, will no longer morph our rituals into new ones.
Stopping performing one ritual only means you are treating the symptoms, not the root cause. If we will have the audacity to face our fears, we will find that not only will we rid ourselves of OCD, but we will also have acquired a skill that will serve us for the rest of our lives.
We will be able to handle fear in such a way that others will simply not know how to do. So this is the benefit of having had OCD in the first place. Once we conquer it, we acquire skills and a tough skin to fears, it's quite amazing actually.
Take action: Today, spend your day thinking about what fear or fears there are in your mind that are driving your obsessive behavior. Think about what your life would be like without those fears.
Then do something about it. Face those fears one at a time. Schedule time during your week to face those fears. Bring a buddy with you if you like. But lack of action will only allow your OCD to become worse.
On the other hand, massive action toward your goal will ensure your success. You can do it! If no one today has told you that they believe in you, let me be the first to say so! I believe in you and I know that with persistence, you can do it and the dirty little tricks of OCD won't be able to touch you!
=>People with OCD can get rid of it here!