This is where I blog about all the new OCD stuff that I learn about every day. I will provide you with my best and must up-to-date information on what I think is useful in becoming OCD free! Enjoy ;p

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Part 10: Question answered!

Q.) I have the form of OCD which takes the form of endless tidying and cleaning, not being able to bear anything being moved etc.

I have had it for most of my life and my whole life has been dominated and ruined by it to such an extent that I have not really "lived"at all.

I am now 62 and I feel that I can never get better, and that even if by some miracle I did get better, because of my age, it would be too late to have any kind of life.

What are your views on the above please?


A.) Anonymous, it's never too late to start living! Tell that to someone who is 92! You are just a kid to them! You've still got your youth, so what are you going to do with it? Are you going to spend the next 30 years of your life with OCD or are you going to spend the next 30 years OCD free?

The first step is that you have to believe that you can become OCD free. If you don't believe it, it can never happen, however, if you believe it, and put massive action toward your belief, not only can it happen, it will happen!

The next step is that you have an obsession with cleaning and tidying up everything. It's good to have a clean house, but you don't want to over do it!

How can you stop? Once you do one task, like cleaning the dishes. Do them one time, after they are done one time say out loud to yourself, "ok, I've done the dishes." Then go on to the next thing. If you feel the urge to do the dishes again or repeat any task again, tell yourself, "I've already done that task, and I refuse to do it again."

Now here's where you will feel great anxiety. Know that this anxiety will not harm you in any way. This anxiety is just sensations and you may feel panic. Just realize that it's just fear. Anxiety is fearing fear itself. So when you feel this anxiety, tell yourself, "alright, this is just fear of fear itself and I will not be afraid!" Then distract yourself with something that you love. You may love reading or you may have a favorite television show. Maybe you love to walk and exercise. Exercise also releases calming chemicals in the brain as well!

Now if your anxiety is extremely unbearable, make a doctors appointment so they can get you on some medication to assist you. Don't worry, you won't have to be on the medication for life, it can just help you transition. You can still do the above exercise while taking medication.

Part of becoming OCD free is re-training your mind how to deal with situations. It will want to turn to OCD and when you don't turn to OCD, you'll feel anxiety because it won't know what to turn too. You are going to turn to freedom. Knowing that giving into OCD will make it stay and get worse and continue to rob you of your life and that refusing to do the rituals is harder now, but then after a shorter time than you think, will free you from OCD.

You've just to have the discipline to do the work and I know that you can do it, you know that you can do it, so there's only one thing left to do isn't there? Do the legwork! This should really get you started off in the right direction and if you really apply it and work at it, you can get your life back and enjoy your life, you deserve it!

until next post,

For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free

1 comment:

The Patients Voice said...

Hi Derek

Thanks for the mail

Just to let you and your readers know that we have launched a test site for a new online multi condition support group

We are in the very early stages but you please join and set up links to site you think might be iseful for ocd sufferers

