This is where I blog about all the new OCD stuff that I learn about every day. I will provide you with my best and must up-to-date information on what I think is useful in becoming OCD free! Enjoy ;p

Monday, August 17, 2009

Compulsive Disorder Obsessive - True Story of the OCD Cure

Compulsive disorder obsessive thoughts can really ruin your life. Every once in a while you hear about those people who they had OCD and for whatever reason it just went away. These are not true stories of people who had it and beat it. The true stories are when those people who had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder had it and then they get rid of it by their efforts, not wait until it just goes away. When the hard times come back in life, the people who had to put effort into getting rid of their OCD will not have to worry about a relapse while those who just had it go away are doomed to have a relapse.

The whole point of getting rid of compulsive disorder obsessive is to make sure it's gone for good, wouldn't you say? I would hope that this is your mindset. I am of the mindset that you should want to take the actions that you have to take so that you never have to face this problem again and even if you face it again you will be so equipped to handle it that there is virtually no way for it to return. I'm talking about resilience to OCD, I'm talking about a mental vaccine if you will. When you take a vaccine, when the disease tries to get you again, the chances of it making you sick are slim to none!

So what can you do to get this mental vaccine? You need to understand that compulsive disorder obsessive is not a disease, it is a habit. This habit can be cruel just like any other habit, such as pulling your hair or biting your nails so excessively that you bleed! You need to give yourself sufficient reasons why not only that you need to quit, but you have to perceive it as though you have to quit! Several shifts have to take place in your brain for you to be even able to get to the point where you can get rid of your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

Another thing that you should definitely know about compulsive disorder obsessive is that the "quick fix" is not as effective as the dedicated following of a system at least at this time. Later on in the future we will be more equipped to almost instantaneously be able to stop habits with little to no resistance in seconds. However the problem in stopping an aggressive habit is not in the changes taking place in the client's brain, the work is in getting the client to let go of their old beliefs which block the necessary changes. You quit habits in an instant, it's just getting the client to let go of their old limiting beliefs that is so frightening for the client and challenging for the practitioner.

Sadly most practitioners give up on people with compulsive disorder obsessive tendencies and issues because they do not fully understand enough about the habit in order to offer any real help. If you are seeing someone who claims to be able to help you with this and you have sen them for over 2 months with no results, and very important, you have been doing what they said, you need to find someone else. You must make sure that the statement I said above is only true if you followed their program to the letter!

Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "compulsive disorder obsessive"

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.

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