This is where I blog about all the new OCD stuff that I learn about every day. I will provide you with my best and must up-to-date information on what I think is useful in becoming OCD free! Enjoy ;p
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Today I'm getting ready...
I've been preparing for some new changes to the site and some new products being rolled out. It's a very exciting time for!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama wins! The nations OCD has finally settled!

Obama wins! The nations OCD has finally settled!
Obama has helped the nation to finally got over its OCD of having an african american president! I personally feel that this is a good decision. We're now gonna have to play the waiting game to see how things turn out.
It's been a history breaking election and one way or another I think that the united states has broken some age old barriers. Obama really has shown a kind of leadership that has not been seen in a while and the way that he has carried himself throughout the campaign is what got him the win!
He had no experience to speak of, His own pick for vice president said that other countries will be a threat to us if Obama is elected because they would want to test his inexperience. I say, bring it! The nation has spoken! Obama has won!
=>Obama FINALLY helped the nation get over their OCD, now get over yours.
Dirty tricks of Obsessive compulsive behavior and OCD
Dirty tricks of Obsessive compulsive behavior and OCD
The dirty little tricks of OCD are as follows. We suffer from obsessive compulsive behavior in various ways. The most common example of OCD is washing your hands too many times. Why do we do this?
Why do we who suffer in this way? It's all based on the beliefs that we have formed according to facts and conjecture we have heard from various sources. There could be other causes. What we need to realize is that all these are is just faulty associations.
So what happens once we get to the point where we can get ourselves to stop washing our hands excessively? Well our obsessive compulsive behavior morphs of course! We go from washing our hands to not touching things at all, to wearing gloves, etc.
What is it then that we can do to solve this mystery of OCD? It's dirty little tricks that seem to not want to let us become free from it's grasp. We need to understand what kind of behavior we must practice in order to curb this tendency of OCD.
We only need to simply watch others who do not have obsessive compulsive disorder to understand how to act with non OCD behavior. We need not to give into our cravings to perform a ritual for temporary relief in exchange for long term suffering.
It's not wise to think that we can indulge in OCD today and choose to quit tomorrow easily. Every time we perform a ritual, it's gets stronger in our minds. It's not the ritual however, it's what's behind the ritual, the fear that drives the ritual, which makes us feel compelled to perform it.
We simply need to break the cycle all together. We need to face the underlying fear that is driving this behavior and we will find that all rituals that we used to do to support this fear are no longer necessary. Our brains then, will no longer morph our rituals into new ones.
Stopping performing one ritual only means you are treating the symptoms, not the root cause. If we will have the audacity to face our fears, we will find that not only will we rid ourselves of OCD, but we will also have acquired a skill that will serve us for the rest of our lives.
We will be able to handle fear in such a way that others will simply not know how to do. So this is the benefit of having had OCD in the first place. Once we conquer it, we acquire skills and a tough skin to fears, it's quite amazing actually.
Take action: Today, spend your day thinking about what fear or fears there are in your mind that are driving your obsessive behavior. Think about what your life would be like without those fears.
Then do something about it. Face those fears one at a time. Schedule time during your week to face those fears. Bring a buddy with you if you like. But lack of action will only allow your OCD to become worse.
On the other hand, massive action toward your goal will ensure your success. You can do it! If no one today has told you that they believe in you, let me be the first to say so! I believe in you and I know that with persistence, you can do it and the dirty little tricks of OCD won't be able to touch you!
=>People with OCD can get rid of it here!
The dirty little tricks of OCD are as follows. We suffer from obsessive compulsive behavior in various ways. The most common example of OCD is washing your hands too many times. Why do we do this?
Why do we who suffer in this way? It's all based on the beliefs that we have formed according to facts and conjecture we have heard from various sources. There could be other causes. What we need to realize is that all these are is just faulty associations.
So what happens once we get to the point where we can get ourselves to stop washing our hands excessively? Well our obsessive compulsive behavior morphs of course! We go from washing our hands to not touching things at all, to wearing gloves, etc.
What is it then that we can do to solve this mystery of OCD? It's dirty little tricks that seem to not want to let us become free from it's grasp. We need to understand what kind of behavior we must practice in order to curb this tendency of OCD.
We only need to simply watch others who do not have obsessive compulsive disorder to understand how to act with non OCD behavior. We need not to give into our cravings to perform a ritual for temporary relief in exchange for long term suffering.
It's not wise to think that we can indulge in OCD today and choose to quit tomorrow easily. Every time we perform a ritual, it's gets stronger in our minds. It's not the ritual however, it's what's behind the ritual, the fear that drives the ritual, which makes us feel compelled to perform it.
We simply need to break the cycle all together. We need to face the underlying fear that is driving this behavior and we will find that all rituals that we used to do to support this fear are no longer necessary. Our brains then, will no longer morph our rituals into new ones.
Stopping performing one ritual only means you are treating the symptoms, not the root cause. If we will have the audacity to face our fears, we will find that not only will we rid ourselves of OCD, but we will also have acquired a skill that will serve us for the rest of our lives.
We will be able to handle fear in such a way that others will simply not know how to do. So this is the benefit of having had OCD in the first place. Once we conquer it, we acquire skills and a tough skin to fears, it's quite amazing actually.
Take action: Today, spend your day thinking about what fear or fears there are in your mind that are driving your obsessive behavior. Think about what your life would be like without those fears.
Then do something about it. Face those fears one at a time. Schedule time during your week to face those fears. Bring a buddy with you if you like. But lack of action will only allow your OCD to become worse.
On the other hand, massive action toward your goal will ensure your success. You can do it! If no one today has told you that they believe in you, let me be the first to say so! I believe in you and I know that with persistence, you can do it and the dirty little tricks of OCD won't be able to touch you!
=>People with OCD can get rid of it here!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
How to get rid of OCD for life
There are so many different techniques and ways in which you can get rid of OCD. I will start off by saying that all of the successful methods require some legwork that needs to be done.
This is just mandatory. What you need to realize is that so many people are looking for some kind of shortcut, hoping that they won't have to do any kind of work. It just doesn't work that way and these people will always have OCD because they are just lazy. We really need to understand that OCD is not a game.
It's not something to be lazy about when you are looking for a cure. Think about it, if there was such a cure, OCD would not be as prevalent as it is today! So now that we snap back to reality, we realize that the only way to become OCD free for life is to learn a new skill set to off set what you have previously learned. In other words, you must unlearn OCD behavior and learn or re-learn non-OCD behavior.
That is what it all really boils down to. I remember two years ago when I was suffering pretty badly with OCD, I would repeat mantras in my head such as "hate bad, love God." and other things like this. It was really tough because I would give into the urge of doing it all the time and it was really depressing. Sometimes I wish that I could just go back and knowing what I know now, just not do those things and not cause all the pain that I was feeling from performing useless and tiring rituals.
I'm seriously sad sometimes when I think about these things. Surely there is someone that can understand the pain that I was going through. Surely there was someone somewhere in this huge earth that could help me get rid of my OCD. So what I did was research and I sought out people who have gotten rid of their OCD. It was tough and my life was in shambles.
I guess this goes to show that it's not easy for anybody. So I kept on with my pursuit for a cure and then I found out more information over years of research I found out the cure. It was so simple to understand but really tough to implement. I bought programs that promised the world to me without any effort on my part.
I knew that if it sounded to good to be true, it probably is. Any rapid detox program including those that deal with OCD take work and suffering, but after the work and suffering comes great joy because of the resulting freedom. The real secret to getting rid of OCD is to be willing to put the legwork in.
You've got to realize that there is no magic bullet, there is, however, a formula that you can use and follow every day that will help you to get rid of your OCD for good. Follow that formula and you will become and stay OCD free.
here's the formula
This is just mandatory. What you need to realize is that so many people are looking for some kind of shortcut, hoping that they won't have to do any kind of work. It just doesn't work that way and these people will always have OCD because they are just lazy. We really need to understand that OCD is not a game.
It's not something to be lazy about when you are looking for a cure. Think about it, if there was such a cure, OCD would not be as prevalent as it is today! So now that we snap back to reality, we realize that the only way to become OCD free for life is to learn a new skill set to off set what you have previously learned. In other words, you must unlearn OCD behavior and learn or re-learn non-OCD behavior.
That is what it all really boils down to. I remember two years ago when I was suffering pretty badly with OCD, I would repeat mantras in my head such as "hate bad, love God." and other things like this. It was really tough because I would give into the urge of doing it all the time and it was really depressing. Sometimes I wish that I could just go back and knowing what I know now, just not do those things and not cause all the pain that I was feeling from performing useless and tiring rituals.
I'm seriously sad sometimes when I think about these things. Surely there is someone that can understand the pain that I was going through. Surely there was someone somewhere in this huge earth that could help me get rid of my OCD. So what I did was research and I sought out people who have gotten rid of their OCD. It was tough and my life was in shambles.
I guess this goes to show that it's not easy for anybody. So I kept on with my pursuit for a cure and then I found out more information over years of research I found out the cure. It was so simple to understand but really tough to implement. I bought programs that promised the world to me without any effort on my part.
I knew that if it sounded to good to be true, it probably is. Any rapid detox program including those that deal with OCD take work and suffering, but after the work and suffering comes great joy because of the resulting freedom. The real secret to getting rid of OCD is to be willing to put the legwork in.
You've got to realize that there is no magic bullet, there is, however, a formula that you can use and follow every day that will help you to get rid of your OCD for good. Follow that formula and you will become and stay OCD free.
here's the formula
Friday, September 26, 2008
Obsessive Compulsive behavior - Truly! The Laziest Way To Get Rid of it!
Obsessive compulsive behavior seems very hard to understand at first. Let alone beat. You need to realize that most people make things that they don't fully understand much more complicated than they really are.
Forget all the complexities and all of the fears and emotions that swirl around your dizzy head and fearful face. Think about all that is good within and around you. Taking on a grateful attitude removes and lifts this dark cloud that once did cover you.
Your emotions are all just habits. We can change what we wish, we desire what we want and a man who sets his mind on the desires of his heart relentlessly will gain these things.
What then should you do this day so that you may be free from obsessive compulsive behavior? You should first observe that there are those in the world who do not suffer with obsessive compulsive thoughts. Is there something wrong with you? Do you have mental issues? No. You have a habit.
I myself have quit smoking and drinking, drugs and OCD. I have also had great leaps and bounds regarding the facing of anxiety and these are my victories. I know they are real, not because I read about them in some book, but rather real world experience.
I don't know about you, but I would rather learn from someone who knows what it's like, who's felt what it's like and has beaten it. I have freed myself from this disgraceful, distasteful malady and I'm finally free.
So after you have observed that it's possible to have freedom of the mind, what then? Decide for yourself that you too can and will have mental freedom, that you too will taste this delicious freedom! Decide in your heart, make it a goal and chase it relentlessly.
What then, do we do to keep motivated. Every time you slack on trying to not perform rituals, think about how bad your OCD was, think about how bad it is and say to yourself, "I am getting over it right now!" "No more OCD!"
The third thing that I would consider is to practice what you preach. Be a man/woman of your word. Do what you know in your mind to be right. Do some self soul searching and think about the things that you know you should change. Ask yourself what it is that is holding you back. What are your constraints to becoming OCD free?
Tackle those constraints head-on. They could be fear, they could be lack of faith that it's possible. These all need to be cleared up one by one. Do it step by step and not all at once and you will see great results.
Take action: Observe that others have gotten out of a deep suffering with OCD, believe that you can to, resolve to make the change, create bite sized goals, and relentlessly and religiously complete your goals. If you do these things, it's virtually impossible for you to fail, period! You can do it and I know this because I was in horrible shape and I did it! So I know you can!
Obsessive compulsive behavior help!
Forget all the complexities and all of the fears and emotions that swirl around your dizzy head and fearful face. Think about all that is good within and around you. Taking on a grateful attitude removes and lifts this dark cloud that once did cover you.
Your emotions are all just habits. We can change what we wish, we desire what we want and a man who sets his mind on the desires of his heart relentlessly will gain these things.
What then should you do this day so that you may be free from obsessive compulsive behavior? You should first observe that there are those in the world who do not suffer with obsessive compulsive thoughts. Is there something wrong with you? Do you have mental issues? No. You have a habit.
I myself have quit smoking and drinking, drugs and OCD. I have also had great leaps and bounds regarding the facing of anxiety and these are my victories. I know they are real, not because I read about them in some book, but rather real world experience.
I don't know about you, but I would rather learn from someone who knows what it's like, who's felt what it's like and has beaten it. I have freed myself from this disgraceful, distasteful malady and I'm finally free.
So after you have observed that it's possible to have freedom of the mind, what then? Decide for yourself that you too can and will have mental freedom, that you too will taste this delicious freedom! Decide in your heart, make it a goal and chase it relentlessly.
What then, do we do to keep motivated. Every time you slack on trying to not perform rituals, think about how bad your OCD was, think about how bad it is and say to yourself, "I am getting over it right now!" "No more OCD!"
The third thing that I would consider is to practice what you preach. Be a man/woman of your word. Do what you know in your mind to be right. Do some self soul searching and think about the things that you know you should change. Ask yourself what it is that is holding you back. What are your constraints to becoming OCD free?
Tackle those constraints head-on. They could be fear, they could be lack of faith that it's possible. These all need to be cleared up one by one. Do it step by step and not all at once and you will see great results.
Take action: Observe that others have gotten out of a deep suffering with OCD, believe that you can to, resolve to make the change, create bite sized goals, and relentlessly and religiously complete your goals. If you do these things, it's virtually impossible for you to fail, period! You can do it and I know this because I was in horrible shape and I did it! So I know you can!
Obsessive compulsive behavior help!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Obsessive Compulsive Behavior - A Simple Solution To Your OCD
Obsessive compulsive behavior is very tough to deal with sometimes, especially when you have no clue what's going on. One of the best things that you can do right now is to do just a bit of research on it so that you can know more about it. The more you know about it, the more brave you will be concerning it.
The more brave that you are concerning OCD, the less power it will have in your life. What some people do is to keep trying to fight the thoughts over and over again thinking that if they just fight enough that the thoughts will go away. This is not true, the more you fight thoughts, the more they persist.
When you fight something, you focus on it and when you focus on a thought, it becomes stronger and stronger. Have you ever sat there and tried to not think of something? It's nearly impossible. What we resist persists. Remembering this statement will go a long way in your recovery from OCD. Make sure that you realize that obsessive compulsive disorder is not a mental illness.
There are no physical changes in your brain as a result of OCD. It's just thoughts. If you can learn how to divert your attention, you can divert your thoughts and if you can divert your thoughts then you can become OCD free. The reason that you must divert your thoughts is so that you can control what you focus on. We cannot control what we think about, but we can control what we focus on. We must look in our minds and decide what kinds of things that we want to think about.
So many people think that thinking is an involuntary process completely and that we have no control over our thoughts. This is just not true. It's about being a participant in your thought life and a director of your thought life instead of just a spectator. Once you have this paradigm shift, you will learn that it is not as hard as you think to become free from obsessive compulsive behavior. It just takes patience and practice. You know how they say that practice makes perfect? Well it's true.
You can focus on key principles when considering creating your game plan on how you are going to get rid of your obsessions. Write down what your fears are and then create a plan of how you are going to face each of these fears. You should not need anyone to hold your hand to write these down, no one knows more about your fears than you do. They don't know your limitations and strengths the way that you do either, so you'll have to trust yourself on this one.
Take action: Today, what you should do is focus on what things that you want to think about and then when you struggle with Obsessive thoughts, think about these things. When you feel anxiety, know that it's not going to hurt you and that it is just sensations. You can do it, I believe in you!
Obsessive compulsive help!
The more brave that you are concerning OCD, the less power it will have in your life. What some people do is to keep trying to fight the thoughts over and over again thinking that if they just fight enough that the thoughts will go away. This is not true, the more you fight thoughts, the more they persist.
When you fight something, you focus on it and when you focus on a thought, it becomes stronger and stronger. Have you ever sat there and tried to not think of something? It's nearly impossible. What we resist persists. Remembering this statement will go a long way in your recovery from OCD. Make sure that you realize that obsessive compulsive disorder is not a mental illness.
There are no physical changes in your brain as a result of OCD. It's just thoughts. If you can learn how to divert your attention, you can divert your thoughts and if you can divert your thoughts then you can become OCD free. The reason that you must divert your thoughts is so that you can control what you focus on. We cannot control what we think about, but we can control what we focus on. We must look in our minds and decide what kinds of things that we want to think about.
So many people think that thinking is an involuntary process completely and that we have no control over our thoughts. This is just not true. It's about being a participant in your thought life and a director of your thought life instead of just a spectator. Once you have this paradigm shift, you will learn that it is not as hard as you think to become free from obsessive compulsive behavior. It just takes patience and practice. You know how they say that practice makes perfect? Well it's true.
You can focus on key principles when considering creating your game plan on how you are going to get rid of your obsessions. Write down what your fears are and then create a plan of how you are going to face each of these fears. You should not need anyone to hold your hand to write these down, no one knows more about your fears than you do. They don't know your limitations and strengths the way that you do either, so you'll have to trust yourself on this one.
Take action: Today, what you should do is focus on what things that you want to think about and then when you struggle with Obsessive thoughts, think about these things. When you feel anxiety, know that it's not going to hurt you and that it is just sensations. You can do it, I believe in you!
Obsessive compulsive help!
Friday, September 19, 2008
3 slick tactics on how to curb your obsessive compulsive disorder
Obsessive compulsive disorder help
The first slick tactic on how to curb your obsessive compulsive disorder is to recognize that you are having OCD thoughts. You'd be surprised at how many people that have OCD don't really know how many thoughts of theirs are actually OCD.
I get questions all the time from my clients who tell me that they are having OCD thoughts and when I listen to them, they are not. Fears are not OCD. OCD thoughts are only when you perform either mental or physical rituals. Taking an umbrella with you everywhere you go so that you don't get soaked is not OCD. Taking it everywhere you go because you think that something bad will happen if you get wet is OCD.
So how can we apply this? How can we use the tactic of recognition? When you are questioning whether a thought is an OCD thought, ask yourself this, "Do I feel like I have to perform a rituals because I feel like something bad will happen?" If you can answer yes, then it is OCD.
The second part to this is, what if you are having OCD thoughts and you are not even aware of their existence? You can ask yourself this, "Do I perform any rituals or do anything that most people don't do?" Odds are you may be able to isolate a few things that you did that you did not even think about and then you can start working on those things. These are the easiest things to work on because they don't disturb you as much. Getting little victories under your belt is very powerful in helping you to curb your OCD.
The second thing that you want to do is to plan times when you are going to attack these different OCD's. Work on one at a time. This is the most effective and it will help you to get the flow for how things should go as far as beating your OCD. You will learn valuable skills. Don't start with the hardest one, start with a more easy one and that way you can build up your strength and your bravery. You need to make yourself brave to face your OCD and you can easily do this by learning more information. The more information that you have, the more brave you are, period.
The third thing that you can do is to start to replace your obsessions with healthy ones. Like providing for your family, working on your hobby. Having something to replace that time that you used to spend on your OCD will help you to stay OCD free. It's very implortant to find things that you are passionate about and beating obsessive compulsive disorder will be much easier than you think!
Take action: Today what you want to do is to go over all of the things that we have talked about today in this article and realize that knowing something is useless unless you can use it. So now that you know this information, you need to teach yourself to use it and you will be on the road to becoming OCD free in no time!
Obsessive compulsive disorder help!
The first slick tactic on how to curb your obsessive compulsive disorder is to recognize that you are having OCD thoughts. You'd be surprised at how many people that have OCD don't really know how many thoughts of theirs are actually OCD.
I get questions all the time from my clients who tell me that they are having OCD thoughts and when I listen to them, they are not. Fears are not OCD. OCD thoughts are only when you perform either mental or physical rituals. Taking an umbrella with you everywhere you go so that you don't get soaked is not OCD. Taking it everywhere you go because you think that something bad will happen if you get wet is OCD.
So how can we apply this? How can we use the tactic of recognition? When you are questioning whether a thought is an OCD thought, ask yourself this, "Do I feel like I have to perform a rituals because I feel like something bad will happen?" If you can answer yes, then it is OCD.
The second part to this is, what if you are having OCD thoughts and you are not even aware of their existence? You can ask yourself this, "Do I perform any rituals or do anything that most people don't do?" Odds are you may be able to isolate a few things that you did that you did not even think about and then you can start working on those things. These are the easiest things to work on because they don't disturb you as much. Getting little victories under your belt is very powerful in helping you to curb your OCD.
The second thing that you want to do is to plan times when you are going to attack these different OCD's. Work on one at a time. This is the most effective and it will help you to get the flow for how things should go as far as beating your OCD. You will learn valuable skills. Don't start with the hardest one, start with a more easy one and that way you can build up your strength and your bravery. You need to make yourself brave to face your OCD and you can easily do this by learning more information. The more information that you have, the more brave you are, period.
The third thing that you can do is to start to replace your obsessions with healthy ones. Like providing for your family, working on your hobby. Having something to replace that time that you used to spend on your OCD will help you to stay OCD free. It's very implortant to find things that you are passionate about and beating obsessive compulsive disorder will be much easier than you think!
Take action: Today what you want to do is to go over all of the things that we have talked about today in this article and realize that knowing something is useless unless you can use it. So now that you know this information, you need to teach yourself to use it and you will be on the road to becoming OCD free in no time!
Obsessive compulsive disorder help!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Very amazing new ways to beat your obsessive compulsive behavior
Obsessive-compulsive disorder help!
There are so many things that I hear about beating your obsessive compulsive behavior. There are few times when you will read about how to get to the root of the origin of your OCD thoughts.
When you recognize that you are having an OCD thought, that is the beginning of stopping the OCD cycle. Simple enough right? We all know when our thoughts are OCD. Make sure that you are aware when you are having these thoughts. Don't look for OCD thoughts, just be able to recognize when they occur.
The second part is to tag this thought as such. After you recognize a thought as being an OCD thought, then you must consciously say to yourself that this is an OCD thought and you will treat it as such.
Part three is once you have noticed that you have an OCD thought, tag. You treat it as such. You cannot choose what kind of thoughts pop into your head but you can choose which ones to focus on."
The fourth part after shrugging off an OCD thought like someone who doesn't have OCD is to think about something that you do love. You've got to assign the weight that you wanted to assign to that OCD thought to a productive thought. So think about something else important to you, like that test you took in school, or your job or living situation.
Think about a problem that you have, something you are concerned about. Then think about what you are grateful for. When you think about your blessings, your thoughts are more productive and make you happy. You will find that these processes and these steps will greatly help your cause in beating OCD. Don't give into the temptation of reacting to your OCD thoughts with fear. Ask yourself where you are giving into that fear.
Often you'll see a smoker quit smoking by replacing that habit by chewing gum, you should do the same thing with your OCD. Then it will be easier to break the new habit. So instead of "quitting cold turkey" so to speak, you can switch from being addicted to OCD, to let's say, chewing gum. quitting OCD itself is harder than quitting chewing gum. You can trick your brain by replacing your habit with something easier to quit!
See looking at it this way, by not focusing on something, you bypass all the resistance. Read this a few times if it doesn't click the first time, it's profound and very powerful.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder help!
There are so many things that I hear about beating your obsessive compulsive behavior. There are few times when you will read about how to get to the root of the origin of your OCD thoughts.
When you recognize that you are having an OCD thought, that is the beginning of stopping the OCD cycle. Simple enough right? We all know when our thoughts are OCD. Make sure that you are aware when you are having these thoughts. Don't look for OCD thoughts, just be able to recognize when they occur.
The second part is to tag this thought as such. After you recognize a thought as being an OCD thought, then you must consciously say to yourself that this is an OCD thought and you will treat it as such.
Part three is once you have noticed that you have an OCD thought, tag. You treat it as such. You cannot choose what kind of thoughts pop into your head but you can choose which ones to focus on."
The fourth part after shrugging off an OCD thought like someone who doesn't have OCD is to think about something that you do love. You've got to assign the weight that you wanted to assign to that OCD thought to a productive thought. So think about something else important to you, like that test you took in school, or your job or living situation.
Think about a problem that you have, something you are concerned about. Then think about what you are grateful for. When you think about your blessings, your thoughts are more productive and make you happy. You will find that these processes and these steps will greatly help your cause in beating OCD. Don't give into the temptation of reacting to your OCD thoughts with fear. Ask yourself where you are giving into that fear.
Often you'll see a smoker quit smoking by replacing that habit by chewing gum, you should do the same thing with your OCD. Then it will be easier to break the new habit. So instead of "quitting cold turkey" so to speak, you can switch from being addicted to OCD, to let's say, chewing gum. quitting OCD itself is harder than quitting chewing gum. You can trick your brain by replacing your habit with something easier to quit!
See looking at it this way, by not focusing on something, you bypass all the resistance. Read this a few times if it doesn't click the first time, it's profound and very powerful.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder help!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Obsessive compulsive behavior: Now, you'll know what Pure O is...
Obsessive-compulsive disorder help!
When you have Pure O, it means that you suffer from obsessions of the mind.
People who suffer from pure OCD can do physical rituals as well although they mainly perform mental rituals.
Another note that I would like to add is that I don't think it means much what kind of OCD you may have, as the cure is the same for all of them.
Although there are many types of programs, each with their own benefits, they all have something in common and that is they are helping to heal you.
No matter what therapy you use, this is what they all attempt to do. Some work better than others but here it is.
They all help you stop performing rituals and teach you how to think like a person without OCD. You will start to think like someone who doesn't have OCD if you take on their thinking patterns? You will no longer have OCD.
I know this looks like it's impossible at first and all that. The reason that I know these things are real is because I've done them myself.
If something has worked for thousands of people, odds are it could benefit you. You don't want to cut your own success short. You really need to get all the facts so that you can create in your life that which you want. Don't let people talk you out of your success by telling you that this technique won't work. OCD should be taken very seriously and only you and not anybody else can tell you what will work for you. there is a reason why all of these tips, tricks, and techniques are in my articles. They simply work. Not only did it work for me, but it has literally worked for thousands of people. I always share with you the best quality content that I have learned, period.
Take action: Take advice from someone who has had proven results and from someone who has been able to help other people with their same methods.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder help!
When you have Pure O, it means that you suffer from obsessions of the mind.
People who suffer from pure OCD can do physical rituals as well although they mainly perform mental rituals.
Another note that I would like to add is that I don't think it means much what kind of OCD you may have, as the cure is the same for all of them.
Although there are many types of programs, each with their own benefits, they all have something in common and that is they are helping to heal you.
No matter what therapy you use, this is what they all attempt to do. Some work better than others but here it is.
They all help you stop performing rituals and teach you how to think like a person without OCD. You will start to think like someone who doesn't have OCD if you take on their thinking patterns? You will no longer have OCD.
I know this looks like it's impossible at first and all that. The reason that I know these things are real is because I've done them myself.
If something has worked for thousands of people, odds are it could benefit you. You don't want to cut your own success short. You really need to get all the facts so that you can create in your life that which you want. Don't let people talk you out of your success by telling you that this technique won't work. OCD should be taken very seriously and only you and not anybody else can tell you what will work for you. there is a reason why all of these tips, tricks, and techniques are in my articles. They simply work. Not only did it work for me, but it has literally worked for thousands of people. I always share with you the best quality content that I have learned, period.
Take action: Take advice from someone who has had proven results and from someone who has been able to help other people with their same methods.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder help!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Fascinating NEW ways to destroy your obsessive-compulsive-disorder
One of the best ways to destroy obsessive compulsive thoughts is to say the thing that you fear out loud. A true example: I recently talked with someone who feared that they were being watched through their web cam even though it was turned off.
I told them this technique and they said to themselves, "I am afraid that someone is watching me through my web cam even though it is off!" They later reported back to me that they couldn't help but laugh. I guarantee this won't be a problem for them anymore.
I find that it's the simple things and the little things that make the huge difference. There are no such thing as big things, as they are only just a whole bunch of little things put together. Great journey's start with one small step.
Telling a friend your fear out loud will also help to disarm it, they'll laugh and you'll laugh and this will teach your brain that this is something you don't have to fear anymore almost effortlessly.
The key is not to try to force the brain to change it's mind, rather give it enough social proof that what it fears is irrational, then it will change itself. What's great is that you won't have to spend a lot of energy or effort to make a lasting change.
The times of utilizing and relying only on your will power have come to an end. It simply doesn't work, period. I would look for ways to change my thinking about certain things instead of relying on forcing change in my mind with will power.
When I became to believe that I could get rid of OCD, that is when it happend. Here's another trick I use to get rid of pesky ocd thoughts: If I have an obsessive thought, I will close my eyes or even keep them open and envision how I would act if I didn't have the ocd thought.
I will have daydreams about it. I will envision being myself without OCD. I then try to act out what I pictured. Sometimes when we want to do something, we first need to play it out in our minds.
Athletes do this right before their competition, they envision winning and this prepares the mind and body to do what they have envisioned. After all, how can you get somewhere if you don't know where you are going? you will then get right there, somewhere.
Too many people follow the tide and believe whatever they are told to believe. I would challenge you to challenge your beliefs and make decisions for yourself. We were created to create, not to blindly follow and go with the flow.
Going with the flow will keep you suffering from OCD, it will keep you unsuccessful and it will keep you poor. To become blessed and free from obsessive-compulsive disorder you must change your beliefs. This is the only way.
Take action: What are you going to do to get rid of your obsessive compulsive disorder? I would recommend using the above material as a powerful foundation as these are some really powerful tools you can put in your tool box and they will serve you well just as they have done for me.
"Let go of OCD now!"
I told them this technique and they said to themselves, "I am afraid that someone is watching me through my web cam even though it is off!" They later reported back to me that they couldn't help but laugh. I guarantee this won't be a problem for them anymore.
I find that it's the simple things and the little things that make the huge difference. There are no such thing as big things, as they are only just a whole bunch of little things put together. Great journey's start with one small step.
Telling a friend your fear out loud will also help to disarm it, they'll laugh and you'll laugh and this will teach your brain that this is something you don't have to fear anymore almost effortlessly.
The key is not to try to force the brain to change it's mind, rather give it enough social proof that what it fears is irrational, then it will change itself. What's great is that you won't have to spend a lot of energy or effort to make a lasting change.
The times of utilizing and relying only on your will power have come to an end. It simply doesn't work, period. I would look for ways to change my thinking about certain things instead of relying on forcing change in my mind with will power.
When I became to believe that I could get rid of OCD, that is when it happend. Here's another trick I use to get rid of pesky ocd thoughts: If I have an obsessive thought, I will close my eyes or even keep them open and envision how I would act if I didn't have the ocd thought.
I will have daydreams about it. I will envision being myself without OCD. I then try to act out what I pictured. Sometimes when we want to do something, we first need to play it out in our minds.
Athletes do this right before their competition, they envision winning and this prepares the mind and body to do what they have envisioned. After all, how can you get somewhere if you don't know where you are going? you will then get right there, somewhere.
Too many people follow the tide and believe whatever they are told to believe. I would challenge you to challenge your beliefs and make decisions for yourself. We were created to create, not to blindly follow and go with the flow.
Going with the flow will keep you suffering from OCD, it will keep you unsuccessful and it will keep you poor. To become blessed and free from obsessive-compulsive disorder you must change your beliefs. This is the only way.
Take action: What are you going to do to get rid of your obsessive compulsive disorder? I would recommend using the above material as a powerful foundation as these are some really powerful tools you can put in your tool box and they will serve you well just as they have done for me.
"Let go of OCD now!"
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Little known secrets you can use to get rid of obsessive compulsive disorder
There is an astonishing amount of people who believe that they cannot get rid of their OCD. There are millions of people who were lead astray. They've been told that it can't be cured.
These people have been told that they will have to see a therapist for a long time and have to take drugs for many years to treat their OCD. They've been lied to their whole lives by greedy wolves who want their money.
I am here to tell you that you don't need to spend thousands on therapy or hundreds on drugs, but with little money, you can learn the things you need to learn by books, the internet, etc.
The best method to get over OCD is to find someone who has beaten it. Not just someone that had a few symptoms or had it for a week, I'm talking about someone who had it for years and who suffered tremendously with it before they escaped.
When you find that person, make sure that you model them and copy them. Doing what they do will teach you to become OCD free, it's just that simple.
Now that you know to find someone who you want to be like, someone who has gotten the results you want to get, the next thing to do is to work.
You've got to work hard. Stop looking for a shortcut, there are none. People are so amazed by NLP but what they don't tell you is that it doesn't work for everyone and that if you don't do maintenance exercises, your OCD will come back.
There is truth to the saying that there is no free lunch. I spent a good part of my life looking for an easy way when one did not exist.
Another thing they don't tell you is that a lot of people that have OCD just aren't willing to do what it takes to become OCD free. They keep putting off facing their rituals, they keep putting off facing their fears and every time you put it off, it becomes stronger.
You've really got to do your homework and set short term and long term goals for yourself that you can follow to get rid of OCD.
Take action: Search and find someone who is where you want to be and then interview and copy them. Do what they have done, act as they act. Talk like they talk and think like they think.
Then once you can replicate their results, then surpass them, become greater than your mentor. You've got to decide to empower yourself and do what you know what you know at this moment!
"Say bye bye to OCD!"
These people have been told that they will have to see a therapist for a long time and have to take drugs for many years to treat their OCD. They've been lied to their whole lives by greedy wolves who want their money.
I am here to tell you that you don't need to spend thousands on therapy or hundreds on drugs, but with little money, you can learn the things you need to learn by books, the internet, etc.
The best method to get over OCD is to find someone who has beaten it. Not just someone that had a few symptoms or had it for a week, I'm talking about someone who had it for years and who suffered tremendously with it before they escaped.
When you find that person, make sure that you model them and copy them. Doing what they do will teach you to become OCD free, it's just that simple.
Now that you know to find someone who you want to be like, someone who has gotten the results you want to get, the next thing to do is to work.
You've got to work hard. Stop looking for a shortcut, there are none. People are so amazed by NLP but what they don't tell you is that it doesn't work for everyone and that if you don't do maintenance exercises, your OCD will come back.
There is truth to the saying that there is no free lunch. I spent a good part of my life looking for an easy way when one did not exist.
Another thing they don't tell you is that a lot of people that have OCD just aren't willing to do what it takes to become OCD free. They keep putting off facing their rituals, they keep putting off facing their fears and every time you put it off, it becomes stronger.
You've really got to do your homework and set short term and long term goals for yourself that you can follow to get rid of OCD.
Take action: Search and find someone who is where you want to be and then interview and copy them. Do what they have done, act as they act. Talk like they talk and think like they think.
Then once you can replicate their results, then surpass them, become greater than your mentor. You've got to decide to empower yourself and do what you know what you know at this moment!
"Say bye bye to OCD!"
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Now, for the first time, you can truly become free from OCD!
Have you ever wondered if you were going to have to suffer with OCD for the rest of your life? You know I asked my doctor that same question. He said I would!
I outright refused to be told what to believe and I decided to find people who no longer suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder so that I could learn everything I could from them.
I was very happy that I made that decision and in the process I ended up proving everybody wrong. I did not limit myself to what other people believe or what they thought was possible.
I decided what I wanted my life to be and created that by working hard toward that goal. I am here to tell you that you can do the same thing. I didn't have any special abilities or talents in this area, I just knew what I wanted and went after it.
So the first part which is so important is to believe that it can be done. whatever it is that you want to do including but not limited to becoming OCD free. The next part is to realize that faith without works is dead. Now, for the first time, you can finally become OCD free!
So in order for you faith to work, you've got to back it up with massive action toward that goal. You must continue until you succeed no matter what. The secret is to not give up. So many people give up two steps before they were going to have a break-through.
What kind of thought life do you want to have? Stop allowing your thoughts to make you scared and control how you feel inside. Instead, dictate what your thoughts are going to be so that you can be happy and successful. There are too many people that simply don't have enough confidence in themselves and lack self-esteem.
You don't have to be one of those people. I am here to tell you that you do have a choice. Once you realize that you have the option of making a choice, you will be more empowered!
Stop being lazy, stop making excuses and pointing your finger. You and only you are responsible for your success. You are responsible for the destiny which you create for yourself. We are not meant or designed to be spectators in this world.
We are made in God's image, and He is a creator. We too are creators of the world around us. You can choose what kind of life you create for yourself, sad or happy, it's your choice!
The Bible talks about thinking positively and thinking about things that will uplift you. I would suggest that you cut off friendships with people who are negative because their words are like a poison. No, instead, surround yourself with people who are happy and who love life!
Get other people around you who you admire and want to be like so that you can have a better life! Your life is what you make it. What will you do with yours?
"Become free from OCD now!"
I outright refused to be told what to believe and I decided to find people who no longer suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder so that I could learn everything I could from them.
I was very happy that I made that decision and in the process I ended up proving everybody wrong. I did not limit myself to what other people believe or what they thought was possible.
I decided what I wanted my life to be and created that by working hard toward that goal. I am here to tell you that you can do the same thing. I didn't have any special abilities or talents in this area, I just knew what I wanted and went after it.
So the first part which is so important is to believe that it can be done. whatever it is that you want to do including but not limited to becoming OCD free. The next part is to realize that faith without works is dead. Now, for the first time, you can finally become OCD free!
So in order for you faith to work, you've got to back it up with massive action toward that goal. You must continue until you succeed no matter what. The secret is to not give up. So many people give up two steps before they were going to have a break-through.
What kind of thought life do you want to have? Stop allowing your thoughts to make you scared and control how you feel inside. Instead, dictate what your thoughts are going to be so that you can be happy and successful. There are too many people that simply don't have enough confidence in themselves and lack self-esteem.
You don't have to be one of those people. I am here to tell you that you do have a choice. Once you realize that you have the option of making a choice, you will be more empowered!
Stop being lazy, stop making excuses and pointing your finger. You and only you are responsible for your success. You are responsible for the destiny which you create for yourself. We are not meant or designed to be spectators in this world.
We are made in God's image, and He is a creator. We too are creators of the world around us. You can choose what kind of life you create for yourself, sad or happy, it's your choice!
The Bible talks about thinking positively and thinking about things that will uplift you. I would suggest that you cut off friendships with people who are negative because their words are like a poison. No, instead, surround yourself with people who are happy and who love life!
Get other people around you who you admire and want to be like so that you can have a better life! Your life is what you make it. What will you do with yours?
"Become free from OCD now!"
Now, for the first time, you can truly become free from OCD!
Have you ever wondered if you were going to have to suffer with OCD for the rest of your life? You know I asked my doctor that same question. He said I would!
I outright refused to be told what to believe and I decided to find people who no longer suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder so that I could learn everything I could from them.
I was very happy that I made that decision and in the process I ended up proving everybody wrong. I did not limit myself to what other people believe or what they thought was possible.
I decided what I wanted my life to be and created that by working hard toward that goal. I am here to tell you that you can do the same thing. I didn't have any special abilities or talents in this area, I just knew what I wanted and went after it.
So the first part which is so important is to believe that it can be done. whatever it is that you want to do including but not limited to becoming OCD free. The next part is to realize that faith without works is dead. Now, for the first time, you can finally become OCD free!
So in order for you faith to work, you've got to back it up with massive action toward that goal. You must continue until you succeed no matter what. The secret is to not give up. So many people give up two steps before they were going to have a break-through.
What kind of thought life do you want to have? Stop allowing your thoughts to make you scared and control how you feel inside. Instead, dictate what your thoughts are going to be so that you can be happy and successful. There are too many people that simply don't have enough confidence in themselves and lack self-esteem.
You don't have to be one of those people. I am here to tell you that you do have a choice. Once you realize that you have the option of making a choice, you will be more empowered!
Stop being lazy, stop making excuses and pointing your finger. You and only you are responsible for your success. You are responsible for the destiny which you create for yourself. We are not meant or designed to be spectators in this world.
We are made in God's image, and He is a creator. We too are creators of the world around us. You can choose what kind of life you create for yourself, sad or happy, it's your choice!
The Bible talks about thinking positively and thinking about things that will uplift you. I would suggest that you cut off friendships with people who are negative because their words are like a poison. No, instead, surround yourself with people who are happy and who love life!
Get other people around you who you admire and want to be like so that you can have a better life! Your life is what you make it. What will you do with yours?
I outright refused to be told what to believe and I decided to find people who no longer suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder so that I could learn everything I could from them.
I was very happy that I made that decision and in the process I ended up proving everybody wrong. I did not limit myself to what other people believe or what they thought was possible.
I decided what I wanted my life to be and created that by working hard toward that goal. I am here to tell you that you can do the same thing. I didn't have any special abilities or talents in this area, I just knew what I wanted and went after it.
So the first part which is so important is to believe that it can be done. whatever it is that you want to do including but not limited to becoming OCD free. The next part is to realize that faith without works is dead. Now, for the first time, you can finally become OCD free!
So in order for you faith to work, you've got to back it up with massive action toward that goal. You must continue until you succeed no matter what. The secret is to not give up. So many people give up two steps before they were going to have a break-through.
What kind of thought life do you want to have? Stop allowing your thoughts to make you scared and control how you feel inside. Instead, dictate what your thoughts are going to be so that you can be happy and successful. There are too many people that simply don't have enough confidence in themselves and lack self-esteem.
You don't have to be one of those people. I am here to tell you that you do have a choice. Once you realize that you have the option of making a choice, you will be more empowered!
Stop being lazy, stop making excuses and pointing your finger. You and only you are responsible for your success. You are responsible for the destiny which you create for yourself. We are not meant or designed to be spectators in this world.
We are made in God's image, and He is a creator. We too are creators of the world around us. You can choose what kind of life you create for yourself, sad or happy, it's your choice!
The Bible talks about thinking positively and thinking about things that will uplift you. I would suggest that you cut off friendships with people who are negative because their words are like a poison. No, instead, surround yourself with people who are happy and who love life!
Get other people around you who you admire and want to be like so that you can have a better life! Your life is what you make it. What will you do with yours?
Friday, August 22, 2008
The top 7 steps to freedom from obsessive compulsive disorder
The top 7 steps to freedom from obsessive compulsive disorder
You are about to discover the 7 steps that you need to learn to get your mind primed to become OCD free quickly. We'll go over those right now.
Step one: You want to realize that you have OCD. You will learn to realize what actions and thoughts are obsessive compulsive disorder and which ones are not. The second step is to believe that you can become free from obsessive compulsive disorder for life. You can only achieve that which you believe that you can.
You see it all the time, people who do things that almost seem like magic to us. Whether it's a guy getting a date from a girl in minutes or vice-versa. Or someone who makes billions of dollars while you work for pennies. Or a magician who makes an elephant disappear!
When people who have OCD see people become OCD free, it seems like magic to them because their mind just didn't believe it was possible. But the person who did it believed it and that is why it is possible for them.
Step three is to realize that it is all in your mind. It has nothing to do with out side factors, although sometimes they can aggrivate the situation. You need to realize that it is all in your brain, basically a mixture of electrical signals and chemicals that you can re-balance with your thoughts and actions.
The fourth step is to realize that you create your own OCD. So many people ask me why it seems like their OCD keep changing and morphing. It's because you create it in your mind. You are using brain power subconsciously to create your own OCD, thus the vicious circle.
The fifth step is to realize that OCD is not real. Obsessive compulsive disorder is the name that doctors assigned the common symptoms and behaviors of OCD. Although everyone's OCD is different.
It's different because it is created by the sufferer. For instance, if you have a cold, all the signs are there, runny nose, maybe congestion, cough perhaps, etc. But with OCD, one person can obsess about their laundry and another person can obsess about washing their hands, two completely different things. It's made up by the sufferer.
The sixth step is to realize that people that don't have OCD don't think about it. They don't think about rituals and they don't think about their fears or obsess over them. You need to get yourself to a point where you can think like someone who does not have OCD. In fact, because you went through OCD, once you become OCD free, you will be able to perceive things in other people that most people won't. You will find that there are benefits that come from having had obsessive compulsive disorder.
The seventh step is to become aware that realizing the above steps is half your battle to becoming free from obsessive compulsive disorder! I would urge you to learn these steps very well so that they may lay a foundation on which you can build your new OCD free life! Without them, you will always have OCD. I'll ask you this one thing, "Why are you doing this to yourself?"
"Become OCD free!"
You are about to discover the 7 steps that you need to learn to get your mind primed to become OCD free quickly. We'll go over those right now.
Step one: You want to realize that you have OCD. You will learn to realize what actions and thoughts are obsessive compulsive disorder and which ones are not. The second step is to believe that you can become free from obsessive compulsive disorder for life. You can only achieve that which you believe that you can.
You see it all the time, people who do things that almost seem like magic to us. Whether it's a guy getting a date from a girl in minutes or vice-versa. Or someone who makes billions of dollars while you work for pennies. Or a magician who makes an elephant disappear!
When people who have OCD see people become OCD free, it seems like magic to them because their mind just didn't believe it was possible. But the person who did it believed it and that is why it is possible for them.
Step three is to realize that it is all in your mind. It has nothing to do with out side factors, although sometimes they can aggrivate the situation. You need to realize that it is all in your brain, basically a mixture of electrical signals and chemicals that you can re-balance with your thoughts and actions.
The fourth step is to realize that you create your own OCD. So many people ask me why it seems like their OCD keep changing and morphing. It's because you create it in your mind. You are using brain power subconsciously to create your own OCD, thus the vicious circle.
The fifth step is to realize that OCD is not real. Obsessive compulsive disorder is the name that doctors assigned the common symptoms and behaviors of OCD. Although everyone's OCD is different.
It's different because it is created by the sufferer. For instance, if you have a cold, all the signs are there, runny nose, maybe congestion, cough perhaps, etc. But with OCD, one person can obsess about their laundry and another person can obsess about washing their hands, two completely different things. It's made up by the sufferer.
The sixth step is to realize that people that don't have OCD don't think about it. They don't think about rituals and they don't think about their fears or obsess over them. You need to get yourself to a point where you can think like someone who does not have OCD. In fact, because you went through OCD, once you become OCD free, you will be able to perceive things in other people that most people won't. You will find that there are benefits that come from having had obsessive compulsive disorder.
The seventh step is to become aware that realizing the above steps is half your battle to becoming free from obsessive compulsive disorder! I would urge you to learn these steps very well so that they may lay a foundation on which you can build your new OCD free life! Without them, you will always have OCD. I'll ask you this one thing, "Why are you doing this to yourself?"
"Become OCD free!"
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
New breakthrough in OCD treatment!
New breakthrough in OCD treatment!
It's not what you think! It's not NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). NLP is when a person trained in NLP helps you change the association you have with your fears subconsciously.
I'm also not talking about flooding. Flooding is when you subject yourself to the thing that you fear the most or the stimulus that you associate fear with.
The problem with NLP is that you have to find someone who knows how to do it and the problem with flooding is that it's too painful a process. The problem with CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy is that you really can't talk someone out of having OCD. So what is it that we are discussing then?
I'm talking about a process where you don't need a therapist of any kind, you don't need any special skills. I'm talking about a process which you can learn and use every time you feel fear towards anything. It's a method that once you learn, you will have for life and you can apply it not only to OCD but any other fear or anxiety.
Again, so what is it? It, quite simply means that you are retraining your mind to be OCD free by thinking like someone that doesn't have it. You could name it Ocd-gone-in-seven-days. but naming this process would give weight to OCD and we want to get to a point where we don't think about it at all. So what we are learning is the skill of how to retrain the way that we think so that we can lead happier lives!
It's something that you can do consciously without having to trick your mind. You talk yourself consciously through the things that you fear, but there is a special way to do this. Here are some of the things that you can do right now to get started.
When you feel like you need to perform a ritual, tell yourself this consciously. for example, if you feel like you have to keep touching a door knob because you fear that if you don't your mother's going to get sick, tell yourself, "I feel like my mother will get sick if I don't touch this door knob a certain amount of times." What you are doing is bringing out the subconscious thought into a conscious thought, where you can process it logically.
Now you may laugh at that statement and be like man, something must be wrong with me if I fear that and think like that! It's not true, you just realized that you made a faulty association, now what about the problem of you know that it doesn't make sense but you feel like you have to do it anyway?
You can't will yourself not to care, you can say to yourself, I know that this is bothering me, but I also know that if I don't touch the doorknob nothing will happen to my mother, anything in my mind that tells me it would is not logical and therefore is wrong, so I choose not to do this ritual.
This is when you will feel anxiety. You can say to yourself, "I will let this anxiety happen, knowing it's just sensations. I know that I will get worse if I do the ritual and I will get better if I don't do the rital, it's that simple.".
If I don't perform rituals, I am OCD free! Here's why it's important to start like this, because with the other types of treatments, you need other people's skills, or you need to trick your mind, or you need to go through painful exercises not knowing why, it's hard for people with OCD to trust people and especially harder to trust someone to cure you when you don't fully understand how the process works yourself.
By starting this way, you will command control of your own mind and learn this skill that can be applied to anything and you will learn how to be independent and it will save you a fortune. Of course this is not everything you have to do, but it's a good start that you can do right now that will bring results that will last a lifetime!
"Get rid of your OCD now!"
It's not what you think! It's not NLP (neuro-linguistic programming). NLP is when a person trained in NLP helps you change the association you have with your fears subconsciously.
I'm also not talking about flooding. Flooding is when you subject yourself to the thing that you fear the most or the stimulus that you associate fear with.
The problem with NLP is that you have to find someone who knows how to do it and the problem with flooding is that it's too painful a process. The problem with CBT or cognitive behavioral therapy is that you really can't talk someone out of having OCD. So what is it that we are discussing then?
I'm talking about a process where you don't need a therapist of any kind, you don't need any special skills. I'm talking about a process which you can learn and use every time you feel fear towards anything. It's a method that once you learn, you will have for life and you can apply it not only to OCD but any other fear or anxiety.
Again, so what is it? It, quite simply means that you are retraining your mind to be OCD free by thinking like someone that doesn't have it. You could name it Ocd-gone-in-seven-days. but naming this process would give weight to OCD and we want to get to a point where we don't think about it at all. So what we are learning is the skill of how to retrain the way that we think so that we can lead happier lives!
It's something that you can do consciously without having to trick your mind. You talk yourself consciously through the things that you fear, but there is a special way to do this. Here are some of the things that you can do right now to get started.
When you feel like you need to perform a ritual, tell yourself this consciously. for example, if you feel like you have to keep touching a door knob because you fear that if you don't your mother's going to get sick, tell yourself, "I feel like my mother will get sick if I don't touch this door knob a certain amount of times." What you are doing is bringing out the subconscious thought into a conscious thought, where you can process it logically.
Now you may laugh at that statement and be like man, something must be wrong with me if I fear that and think like that! It's not true, you just realized that you made a faulty association, now what about the problem of you know that it doesn't make sense but you feel like you have to do it anyway?
You can't will yourself not to care, you can say to yourself, I know that this is bothering me, but I also know that if I don't touch the doorknob nothing will happen to my mother, anything in my mind that tells me it would is not logical and therefore is wrong, so I choose not to do this ritual.
This is when you will feel anxiety. You can say to yourself, "I will let this anxiety happen, knowing it's just sensations. I know that I will get worse if I do the ritual and I will get better if I don't do the rital, it's that simple.".
If I don't perform rituals, I am OCD free! Here's why it's important to start like this, because with the other types of treatments, you need other people's skills, or you need to trick your mind, or you need to go through painful exercises not knowing why, it's hard for people with OCD to trust people and especially harder to trust someone to cure you when you don't fully understand how the process works yourself.
By starting this way, you will command control of your own mind and learn this skill that can be applied to anything and you will learn how to be independent and it will save you a fortune. Of course this is not everything you have to do, but it's a good start that you can do right now that will bring results that will last a lifetime!
"Get rid of your OCD now!"
Monday, August 18, 2008
The top 5 ways to become OCD free
The first truth: Many people that claim to be experts will tell you up and down that you cannot cure OCD. This is not true at all. In order for you to become OCD free, you must not limit your beliefs. You can only do what you first believe in your mind.
The second truth: I know it's possible because I've done it myself. If you still suffer from OCD, you simply don't have enough information and that is your biggest problem.
The third truth: In fact the truth about OCD is it takes work to become OCD free. It took OCD awhile to develop in your life and you can't get rid of it overnight. Don't fall for programs that tell you that you can get rid of it instantly. You can achieve your goal of becoming OCD free by having a goal and applying massive action toward achieving it. You simply need the right action plan.
The fourth truth: The cure of OCD required mental exercises that you must repeat so that you can change your bad habits, your habits of performing rituals.
The fifth truth: You must train your mind to think like someone who does not have OCD. People without OCD spend little or no time thinking about OCD whatsoever.
So here are the five truths: one: believe that it is possible to become OCD free. two: You need to get the right information so that you can know how to become OCD free. three: It's not easy to become OCD free. There is no magic formula. You will find that usually the big secret is that there is no secret, just a lot of determination and action. This is what will get you real results. four: You must be willing to do mental exercises that will enable you to kick bad OCD habits. five: You must learn how to think like someone who does not have OCD.
The above truths, if applied will guarantee that you will become OCD free. You must realize that most people are simply too lazy to do what it takes to become OCD free and so they are stuck. I have met people who are just used to their OCD and they really don't want to become OCD free, they feel like they are part of a group.
Don't associate with the online OCD communities, this will just keep your OCD around you and make it stronger in you. These people enable each other and will keep you down. The intentions of the authors of these communities are good willed, but the results that they wanted usually are the opposite. If you keep talking to other people who have OCD, what makes you think that you're suddenly going to become OCD free?
No, instead, surround yourself with people who don't have OCD and you will find that you are the equivalent of the five people you hang out with the most, so if you want to become OCD free, you have to hang out with people who don't have OCD.
Take action: Do what is listed above and get around people who are OCD free. You will then be able to model their actions and see how they think about things and how they approach and react to things and this will teach you some ways to change your thinking.
Become OCD free for life:
"OCD free now"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who will teach you what you need to do right now to become and stay OCD free for life!
The second truth: I know it's possible because I've done it myself. If you still suffer from OCD, you simply don't have enough information and that is your biggest problem.
The third truth: In fact the truth about OCD is it takes work to become OCD free. It took OCD awhile to develop in your life and you can't get rid of it overnight. Don't fall for programs that tell you that you can get rid of it instantly. You can achieve your goal of becoming OCD free by having a goal and applying massive action toward achieving it. You simply need the right action plan.
The fourth truth: The cure of OCD required mental exercises that you must repeat so that you can change your bad habits, your habits of performing rituals.
The fifth truth: You must train your mind to think like someone who does not have OCD. People without OCD spend little or no time thinking about OCD whatsoever.
So here are the five truths: one: believe that it is possible to become OCD free. two: You need to get the right information so that you can know how to become OCD free. three: It's not easy to become OCD free. There is no magic formula. You will find that usually the big secret is that there is no secret, just a lot of determination and action. This is what will get you real results. four: You must be willing to do mental exercises that will enable you to kick bad OCD habits. five: You must learn how to think like someone who does not have OCD.
The above truths, if applied will guarantee that you will become OCD free. You must realize that most people are simply too lazy to do what it takes to become OCD free and so they are stuck. I have met people who are just used to their OCD and they really don't want to become OCD free, they feel like they are part of a group.
Don't associate with the online OCD communities, this will just keep your OCD around you and make it stronger in you. These people enable each other and will keep you down. The intentions of the authors of these communities are good willed, but the results that they wanted usually are the opposite. If you keep talking to other people who have OCD, what makes you think that you're suddenly going to become OCD free?
No, instead, surround yourself with people who don't have OCD and you will find that you are the equivalent of the five people you hang out with the most, so if you want to become OCD free, you have to hang out with people who don't have OCD.
Take action: Do what is listed above and get around people who are OCD free. You will then be able to model their actions and see how they think about things and how they approach and react to things and this will teach you some ways to change your thinking.
Become OCD free for life:
"OCD free now"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who will teach you what you need to do right now to become and stay OCD free for life!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Obsessive-compulsive help - Use faith like a child to start becoming OCD free today!
Did you ever see the part in the Bible where it talks about having faith just like a child?
there is a good explanation for that. Children don't need a scientific explanation for everything. They don't need certain kinds of proof.
We as adults sometimes want so much proof that there is just no way that it can be provided so we end up doing nothing about our situation.
Sometimes people lose out on great opportunities because instead of going with their gut, they let other people or lack of proof stop them from taking action.
How does this help with OCD? A lot of people out there are exposed to different programs that talk about OCD and claim this and claim that and when they get the product, it's just not very useful and probably was written by someone that didn't even have OCD.
So this does not exclude due diligence, but what I'm saying is simply this, if you want to get rid of OCD, sometimes you have to due your due diligence, find a product that you have a good gut feeling about and just do it. Don't just try it for a few weeks and if it doesn't work give up. You have to try until it works.
So to help cure yourself of OCD, have faith like a child. You've got to believe that you can get rid of your obsessive-compulsive disorder. Even though you don't have any proof that you can see, you've just got to believe because if you don't believe, it's not going to happen anyway.
A lot of doctors have said that people who have a positive outlook on their situation and those who pray have a better chance of a more positive outcome! We should really consider this, as some of these reports are from non religious doctors. Whether you are religious or not, faith is a universal principle.
Here's an example: Let's picture the situation where two people are suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. One of them believes that they will have it for the rest of their life. While the other one believes that they can be cured. Which one do you think will most likely find the cure? It's the one who believes there is a cure and then looks for it!
If you suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, you should consider believing that there is the possibility that you can be free from it. Don't let anyone, even doctors tell you otherwise, you should not limit your beliefs to what other people limit their beliefs to. A lot of times, if we listen to other people's negative beliefs, we get stuck in their box, this is something that we don't want. Instead what we should do is trust our own instincts and go with what our heart is telling us.
Remember the saying, "You can do whatever you put your mind to?" That is very powerful and usually true. So have faith like a child, watch how it will empower you get rid of your obsessive-compulsive disorder and have a more fulfilling life!
Take action: Today what you want to do is think about having faith like a child so that you can start to become OCD free now!
Become OCD free for life:
"OCD free now"
there is a good explanation for that. Children don't need a scientific explanation for everything. They don't need certain kinds of proof.
We as adults sometimes want so much proof that there is just no way that it can be provided so we end up doing nothing about our situation.
Sometimes people lose out on great opportunities because instead of going with their gut, they let other people or lack of proof stop them from taking action.
How does this help with OCD? A lot of people out there are exposed to different programs that talk about OCD and claim this and claim that and when they get the product, it's just not very useful and probably was written by someone that didn't even have OCD.
So this does not exclude due diligence, but what I'm saying is simply this, if you want to get rid of OCD, sometimes you have to due your due diligence, find a product that you have a good gut feeling about and just do it. Don't just try it for a few weeks and if it doesn't work give up. You have to try until it works.
So to help cure yourself of OCD, have faith like a child. You've got to believe that you can get rid of your obsessive-compulsive disorder. Even though you don't have any proof that you can see, you've just got to believe because if you don't believe, it's not going to happen anyway.
A lot of doctors have said that people who have a positive outlook on their situation and those who pray have a better chance of a more positive outcome! We should really consider this, as some of these reports are from non religious doctors. Whether you are religious or not, faith is a universal principle.
Here's an example: Let's picture the situation where two people are suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. One of them believes that they will have it for the rest of their life. While the other one believes that they can be cured. Which one do you think will most likely find the cure? It's the one who believes there is a cure and then looks for it!
If you suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, you should consider believing that there is the possibility that you can be free from it. Don't let anyone, even doctors tell you otherwise, you should not limit your beliefs to what other people limit their beliefs to. A lot of times, if we listen to other people's negative beliefs, we get stuck in their box, this is something that we don't want. Instead what we should do is trust our own instincts and go with what our heart is telling us.
Remember the saying, "You can do whatever you put your mind to?" That is very powerful and usually true. So have faith like a child, watch how it will empower you get rid of your obsessive-compulsive disorder and have a more fulfilling life!
Take action: Today what you want to do is think about having faith like a child so that you can start to become OCD free now!
Become OCD free for life:
"OCD free now"
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Product Contest!
Product Contest!
Right now you have a chance to win a free copy of my next product that will help you become OCD free!
That's right, you don't pay a dime! All you gotta do to enter is post right here on my blog what it is you want this new product to do for you!
The post that I feel is the most genuine and helpful to the other readers will get my next product free!
Here's what you do:
Step 1: ) Post a reply to this message describing what you want my next product to
do for you. The reply that is most genuine and offers something helpful
to the other readers will get my new product free!
Step 2.) Check back in the free members area to see when there is a winner, the winner will be chosen after there are certain number of posts! When the new product comes out, if you are the winner, you will be contacted.
Right now you have a chance to win a free copy of my next product that will help you become OCD free!
That's right, you don't pay a dime! All you gotta do to enter is post right here on my blog what it is you want this new product to do for you!
The post that I feel is the most genuine and helpful to the other readers will get my next product free!
Here's what you do:
Step 1: ) Post a reply to this message describing what you want my next product to
do for you. The reply that is most genuine and offers something helpful
to the other readers will get my new product free!
Step 2.) Check back in the free members area to see when there is a winner, the winner will be chosen after there are certain number of posts! When the new product comes out, if you are the winner, you will be contacted.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Suffer from OCD? So does Cameron Diaz...
Diaz has publicly admitted that she has obsessive-compulsive disorder, is deeply germophobic and habitually rubs doorknobs so hard before opening doors to clean them that the original paint fades afterwards. She says she...
read more | digg story
read more | digg story
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Part 12: A cool OCD trick from one of my readers
When you are ruminating over something over & over & trying to distract yourself & that doesnt work & you are just plain stuck, take a big bown fill it with ice water & plunge your face into about 5-10 seconds. (youlll learn how long works for you). When my dr told me this I think I rolled my eyes. LOL But it REALLY works. Now I have even read somewhere that this "trick" has been monitored on a pet scan & it has SHOWN the difference this makes in an OCD brain. Isnt that incredible? So simple & no drugs involved & it works. I guess it sort of "rewires" the brain, is how I heard my internist out it.
But the bottom line is that I when something is stuck in my head, its just STUCK. No matter what it is. Thought that plays over & over, handwashing . Whatever. And this works for ME. If it works for me it will work for anybody. lol
Post away. I hope it does help somebody else. Im not sure why I never thought of posting it before. But it REALLY WORKS!!
Looking forward to hearing from you again soon.
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
But the bottom line is that I when something is stuck in my head, its just STUCK. No matter what it is. Thought that plays over & over, handwashing . Whatever. And this works for ME. If it works for me it will work for anybody. lol
Post away. I hope it does help somebody else. Im not sure why I never thought of posting it before. But it REALLY WORKS!!
Looking forward to hearing from you again soon.
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Monday, July 21, 2008
Part 11: Reply to last post
Dear Derek
I have just read your reply to me on your blog (Part 10).
It's strange. I did not think you would even reply to my question, and I thought that even if you did, I would find your reply of no help.
BUT ABSOLUTELY ON THE CONTRARY, Derek, I almost wept when I read your reply. You had clearly really thought about what I had written and your reply was so kind and sensitive and intelligent and TRUE that I almost shed tears as I read it. I will read it again and again and I am going to do my very utmost to put what you advise into practice.
I don't remember how I came across your website, but i am SO glad that I did.
Thank you again and again, Derek.
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Part 10: Question answered!
Q.) I have the form of OCD which takes the form of endless tidying and cleaning, not being able to bear anything being moved etc.
I have had it for most of my life and my whole life has been dominated and ruined by it to such an extent that I have not really "lived"at all.
I am now 62 and I feel that I can never get better, and that even if by some miracle I did get better, because of my age, it would be too late to have any kind of life.
What are your views on the above please?
A.) Anonymous, it's never too late to start living! Tell that to someone who is 92! You are just a kid to them! You've still got your youth, so what are you going to do with it? Are you going to spend the next 30 years of your life with OCD or are you going to spend the next 30 years OCD free?
The first step is that you have to believe that you can become OCD free. If you don't believe it, it can never happen, however, if you believe it, and put massive action toward your belief, not only can it happen, it will happen!
The next step is that you have an obsession with cleaning and tidying up everything. It's good to have a clean house, but you don't want to over do it!
How can you stop? Once you do one task, like cleaning the dishes. Do them one time, after they are done one time say out loud to yourself, "ok, I've done the dishes." Then go on to the next thing. If you feel the urge to do the dishes again or repeat any task again, tell yourself, "I've already done that task, and I refuse to do it again."
Now here's where you will feel great anxiety. Know that this anxiety will not harm you in any way. This anxiety is just sensations and you may feel panic. Just realize that it's just fear. Anxiety is fearing fear itself. So when you feel this anxiety, tell yourself, "alright, this is just fear of fear itself and I will not be afraid!" Then distract yourself with something that you love. You may love reading or you may have a favorite television show. Maybe you love to walk and exercise. Exercise also releases calming chemicals in the brain as well!
Now if your anxiety is extremely unbearable, make a doctors appointment so they can get you on some medication to assist you. Don't worry, you won't have to be on the medication for life, it can just help you transition. You can still do the above exercise while taking medication.
Part of becoming OCD free is re-training your mind how to deal with situations. It will want to turn to OCD and when you don't turn to OCD, you'll feel anxiety because it won't know what to turn too. You are going to turn to freedom. Knowing that giving into OCD will make it stay and get worse and continue to rob you of your life and that refusing to do the rituals is harder now, but then after a shorter time than you think, will free you from OCD.
You've just to have the discipline to do the work and I know that you can do it, you know that you can do it, so there's only one thing left to do isn't there? Do the legwork! This should really get you started off in the right direction and if you really apply it and work at it, you can get your life back and enjoy your life, you deserve it!
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
I have had it for most of my life and my whole life has been dominated and ruined by it to such an extent that I have not really "lived"at all.
I am now 62 and I feel that I can never get better, and that even if by some miracle I did get better, because of my age, it would be too late to have any kind of life.
What are your views on the above please?
A.) Anonymous, it's never too late to start living! Tell that to someone who is 92! You are just a kid to them! You've still got your youth, so what are you going to do with it? Are you going to spend the next 30 years of your life with OCD or are you going to spend the next 30 years OCD free?
The first step is that you have to believe that you can become OCD free. If you don't believe it, it can never happen, however, if you believe it, and put massive action toward your belief, not only can it happen, it will happen!
The next step is that you have an obsession with cleaning and tidying up everything. It's good to have a clean house, but you don't want to over do it!
How can you stop? Once you do one task, like cleaning the dishes. Do them one time, after they are done one time say out loud to yourself, "ok, I've done the dishes." Then go on to the next thing. If you feel the urge to do the dishes again or repeat any task again, tell yourself, "I've already done that task, and I refuse to do it again."
Now here's where you will feel great anxiety. Know that this anxiety will not harm you in any way. This anxiety is just sensations and you may feel panic. Just realize that it's just fear. Anxiety is fearing fear itself. So when you feel this anxiety, tell yourself, "alright, this is just fear of fear itself and I will not be afraid!" Then distract yourself with something that you love. You may love reading or you may have a favorite television show. Maybe you love to walk and exercise. Exercise also releases calming chemicals in the brain as well!
Now if your anxiety is extremely unbearable, make a doctors appointment so they can get you on some medication to assist you. Don't worry, you won't have to be on the medication for life, it can just help you transition. You can still do the above exercise while taking medication.
Part of becoming OCD free is re-training your mind how to deal with situations. It will want to turn to OCD and when you don't turn to OCD, you'll feel anxiety because it won't know what to turn too. You are going to turn to freedom. Knowing that giving into OCD will make it stay and get worse and continue to rob you of your life and that refusing to do the rituals is harder now, but then after a shorter time than you think, will free you from OCD.
You've just to have the discipline to do the work and I know that you can do it, you know that you can do it, so there's only one thing left to do isn't there? Do the legwork! This should really get you started off in the right direction and if you really apply it and work at it, you can get your life back and enjoy your life, you deserve it!
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Part 9: Question answered!
Are you certified?
I do not have any degrees in psychology or formal training in helping people with OCD. I do not offer counseling or therapy.
I suffered from OCD for two years before I learned how to cure myself of it. I was really bad and I was in rough shape. I went to a lot of therapists and counselors with no luck, just like a lot of my readers have told me happened to them.
The problem with a lot of therapists and counselors is that a lot of them actually never had OCD and so they know about it, but they don't know what it's like to have it. They don't know the struggle.
I am not saying that therapists are bad, but if you have not had the results that you want and expect from them, there are other sources.
Decide what's best for you. If a counselor works for you, great! If it doesn't, there are other options.
I learned how to become OCD free from people who have become OCD free. I went online and learned about it. I learned what I had to do and I had the discipline to do it.
Part of getting over OCD is not thinking about it. Ask someone who doesn't have OCD how much time they spend thinking about OCD or performing rituals. They will say very rarely or never. That is why they don't have OCD!
I learned how to stop my mind from engaging in the downward spiral of thinking about rituals and OCD and because I have been able to do this with great results in my life, I know it can help other people and free them from the mental torture and it has already helped a lot of people and I just put the site up recently!
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
I do not have any degrees in psychology or formal training in helping people with OCD. I do not offer counseling or therapy.
I suffered from OCD for two years before I learned how to cure myself of it. I was really bad and I was in rough shape. I went to a lot of therapists and counselors with no luck, just like a lot of my readers have told me happened to them.
The problem with a lot of therapists and counselors is that a lot of them actually never had OCD and so they know about it, but they don't know what it's like to have it. They don't know the struggle.
I am not saying that therapists are bad, but if you have not had the results that you want and expect from them, there are other sources.
Decide what's best for you. If a counselor works for you, great! If it doesn't, there are other options.
I learned how to become OCD free from people who have become OCD free. I went online and learned about it. I learned what I had to do and I had the discipline to do it.
Part of getting over OCD is not thinking about it. Ask someone who doesn't have OCD how much time they spend thinking about OCD or performing rituals. They will say very rarely or never. That is why they don't have OCD!
I learned how to stop my mind from engaging in the downward spiral of thinking about rituals and OCD and because I have been able to do this with great results in my life, I know it can help other people and free them from the mental torture and it has already helped a lot of people and I just put the site up recently!
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Friday, July 18, 2008
Part 8: Ask me a question about OCD!
Ask me a question!
I am opening up the blog for a few questions about OCD! Just reply to this post with a question and I'll answer it for you. First come first served!
Today I have been sending out a free report on OCD that will show you how the mind works with OCD and how you can use this for an unfair advantage over OCD and other areas in your life as well that have nothing to do with OCD! This report is available to any member of my site who answers two questions.
The first question is, What kind of OCD product would you want? example, e-book, spiral bound book, work book, video, e-mail, one-on-one phone consultations, anything I didn't think of?
The second question is, How much would you pay for this product?
Anyone that answers these two questions gets my free report.
To answer these two questions, simply go to
then login and the e-mail to send the answers to will be on the free members page!
If you are already a member, click on one of my previous e-mails which will contain a link to the free members area.
Today think about what your passion is. What is it that makes you really excited? What kind of things make you feel warm and fuzzy or make you smile? Think about these things, write them down. Whenever you are having a hard time or feeling down. Take out your list and envision doing or having these things and you'll start to find that you are building an oasis in your mind that you can go to whenever you are down. No longer do you have to be miserable dwelling on negative thoughts. Whenever you catch yourself dwelling on negative thoughts, go to your list and make yourself happy again. This will do wonders for the quality of your life! Try it today!
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
I am opening up the blog for a few questions about OCD! Just reply to this post with a question and I'll answer it for you. First come first served!
Today I have been sending out a free report on OCD that will show you how the mind works with OCD and how you can use this for an unfair advantage over OCD and other areas in your life as well that have nothing to do with OCD! This report is available to any member of my site who answers two questions.
The first question is, What kind of OCD product would you want? example, e-book, spiral bound book, work book, video, e-mail, one-on-one phone consultations, anything I didn't think of?
The second question is, How much would you pay for this product?
Anyone that answers these two questions gets my free report.
To answer these two questions, simply go to
then login and the e-mail to send the answers to will be on the free members page!
If you are already a member, click on one of my previous e-mails which will contain a link to the free members area.
Today think about what your passion is. What is it that makes you really excited? What kind of things make you feel warm and fuzzy or make you smile? Think about these things, write them down. Whenever you are having a hard time or feeling down. Take out your list and envision doing or having these things and you'll start to find that you are building an oasis in your mind that you can go to whenever you are down. No longer do you have to be miserable dwelling on negative thoughts. Whenever you catch yourself dwelling on negative thoughts, go to your list and make yourself happy again. This will do wonders for the quality of your life! Try it today!
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Part 7: one of my reader's questions answered
From: anonymous,
Q: I can relate to your message a lot do to the fact that i have recently overcame the fear of swimming after reading your message of becoming OCD free. but the only fear that is stopping me form being happy is the fear of getting hurt again in a relationship. this is a fear that i don't think that i will ever overcome. is is possible that...
A: It's very possible. I myself have been in and out of relationships and it's never easy. One thing that I can tell you is that I don't regret being with any of the people I was with. I learned something being with each one. When you meet that new person that makes your heart skip a beat and you think they could be the one, give your heart to them, if they step on it, you know they're not worth it. If they embrace it and love you back, there is nothing in the universe that feels like that. Unfortunately, the only way we can truly fall in love with someone and find out if they really love us is to give the other person an opportunity to let us down.
What you can do to prevent yourself from several heartbreaks is to write down what you want in a person. Don't date someone just because you're lonely. Date someone that you are attracted to and that as far as you know, could be the one. Don't date someone that raises red flags in your mind. Make sure that you don't open your heart to them until you feel like they feel the same way about you. Wait a few months before you even consider opening up all the way to them, that way you can see what kind of person they really are. Ask them a lot of questions and find out who they are as a person. If you still think they could be the one, gradually open your heart to them, if you know their not the one, walk away...
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Q: I can relate to your message a lot do to the fact that i have recently overcame the fear of swimming after reading your message of becoming OCD free. but the only fear that is stopping me form being happy is the fear of getting hurt again in a relationship. this is a fear that i don't think that i will ever overcome. is is possible that...
A: It's very possible. I myself have been in and out of relationships and it's never easy. One thing that I can tell you is that I don't regret being with any of the people I was with. I learned something being with each one. When you meet that new person that makes your heart skip a beat and you think they could be the one, give your heart to them, if they step on it, you know they're not worth it. If they embrace it and love you back, there is nothing in the universe that feels like that. Unfortunately, the only way we can truly fall in love with someone and find out if they really love us is to give the other person an opportunity to let us down.
What you can do to prevent yourself from several heartbreaks is to write down what you want in a person. Don't date someone just because you're lonely. Date someone that you are attracted to and that as far as you know, could be the one. Don't date someone that raises red flags in your mind. Make sure that you don't open your heart to them until you feel like they feel the same way about you. Wait a few months before you even consider opening up all the way to them, that way you can see what kind of person they really are. Ask them a lot of questions and find out who they are as a person. If you still think they could be the one, gradually open your heart to them, if you know their not the one, walk away...
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Part 6: Becoming OCD free
Remember that OCD is based on a fear that you have. Remember that fears by themselves are harmless.
Keep in mind that everyone has fears, it's part of life and they are there for good reason. It's good that we are afraid of snakes or spiders, as some of the can be poisonous. Good thing we are afraid of lions or bears, as they can kill us. So fear has a productive function.
But today, people have fears about social things more than anything else. We develop this fight or flight response off things that do not warrant it. We don't live in the jungle anymore, but our genes don't seem to know that.
So we have got to retrain our minds into thinking that fears are now mostly useless. We've got to know when a fear is legitimate or not and we can know by asking ourself this simple question, "Is mine or someone else's life in real danger here?" "Is there anything that I can realistically do about it?" If the answer is no to both, then you need to put the fear aside and think about something you love and are excited about.
Think about what you have to do that day and think about how you can squeeze some adventure into your day. Let the unwanted thought linger and it will go away faster than if you try to force it out, just focus more on your adventure for the day and the quality of your life will raise greatly!
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Keep in mind that everyone has fears, it's part of life and they are there for good reason. It's good that we are afraid of snakes or spiders, as some of the can be poisonous. Good thing we are afraid of lions or bears, as they can kill us. So fear has a productive function.
But today, people have fears about social things more than anything else. We develop this fight or flight response off things that do not warrant it. We don't live in the jungle anymore, but our genes don't seem to know that.
So we have got to retrain our minds into thinking that fears are now mostly useless. We've got to know when a fear is legitimate or not and we can know by asking ourself this simple question, "Is mine or someone else's life in real danger here?" "Is there anything that I can realistically do about it?" If the answer is no to both, then you need to put the fear aside and think about something you love and are excited about.
Think about what you have to do that day and think about how you can squeeze some adventure into your day. Let the unwanted thought linger and it will go away faster than if you try to force it out, just focus more on your adventure for the day and the quality of your life will raise greatly!
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Monday, July 14, 2008
Part 5: Picture yourself OCD free
This may sound obvious, but I know it's grossly overlooked, but it's cool and it helps.
Picture yourself OCD free...
If you won't let it happen in your mind, how can it happen in real life?
A lot of people just want some magic pill to cure all their ills, but the only problem with this want is that it's not real. There is no magic pill that cures OCD, but there are mental exercises that we can do to reduce OCD and then become free of it.
So close your eyes, relax every muscle and picture yourself somewhere nice like the beach. Picture yourself living like you did before you had OCD.
If you've had it for as long as you remember, think of someone that you admire that you know doesn't have OCD. What kind of life do they live? How can you incorporate those positive things into your life while maintaining your own individuality?
Remember that as a man thinketh, so he is. So start getting used to picturing yourself OCD free so you can prepare your mind for the next important step which is.........until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Picture yourself OCD free...
If you won't let it happen in your mind, how can it happen in real life?
A lot of people just want some magic pill to cure all their ills, but the only problem with this want is that it's not real. There is no magic pill that cures OCD, but there are mental exercises that we can do to reduce OCD and then become free of it.
So close your eyes, relax every muscle and picture yourself somewhere nice like the beach. Picture yourself living like you did before you had OCD.
If you've had it for as long as you remember, think of someone that you admire that you know doesn't have OCD. What kind of life do they live? How can you incorporate those positive things into your life while maintaining your own individuality?
Remember that as a man thinketh, so he is. So start getting used to picturing yourself OCD free so you can prepare your mind for the next important step which is.........until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Part 4: Becoming OCD free one step at a time
I can't believe it's 6:30 in the morning and I am blogging, I am usually up at 9 or 10! I woke up early for some reason and I had a great thought that I wanted to share with you and it just couldn't wait. So really pay attention to every word in this one!
Indulge your dreams...
I remember when I used to wake up and go to a job that I hated every single day. Trudging through the day just waiting for Friday to arrive.
How sad is this existence! Now it wasn't really the job or even the getting up early part that was the real problem. It was my mind and how I thought about things.
You see, if you go through your day with the "Thank God it's Friday mentality" you'll never be happy. If on the other hand, you go through your day being thankful for what you have and not looking and thinking about what you don't have, but instead thinking about what you have and what your dreams are and how you can accomplish them, this will revive your happiness.
Indulge in your dreams. Our lives are very short, we need not go through life miserable and bored. Instead, like a little child, dream your dreams, when you go to work, make plans in your head of how you'll escape. Your job does not have to be a life sentence for you. If you do nothing however, it will be. So take action today by indulging in your dreams, get excited about them. Get that warm fuzzy feeling like I did this morning when I could not even wait to tell you what I had thought of.
This is my job, to help people and inspire them and I love it! I hope I have inspired you today and have a great day, until next post....Derek
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Indulge your dreams...
I remember when I used to wake up and go to a job that I hated every single day. Trudging through the day just waiting for Friday to arrive.
How sad is this existence! Now it wasn't really the job or even the getting up early part that was the real problem. It was my mind and how I thought about things.
You see, if you go through your day with the "Thank God it's Friday mentality" you'll never be happy. If on the other hand, you go through your day being thankful for what you have and not looking and thinking about what you don't have, but instead thinking about what you have and what your dreams are and how you can accomplish them, this will revive your happiness.
Indulge in your dreams. Our lives are very short, we need not go through life miserable and bored. Instead, like a little child, dream your dreams, when you go to work, make plans in your head of how you'll escape. Your job does not have to be a life sentence for you. If you do nothing however, it will be. So take action today by indulging in your dreams, get excited about them. Get that warm fuzzy feeling like I did this morning when I could not even wait to tell you what I had thought of.
This is my job, to help people and inspire them and I love it! I hope I have inspired you today and have a great day, until next post....Derek
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Part 3: becoming OCD free one step at a time.
Now you have the basic information about OCD, you probably want to know right now, what you can do right now to become OCD free.
Here are some things that you can do right now to help get you started in becoming OCD free.
The best way that I've found is for people to find a mentor, it could be me or someone else, whoever you choose, make sure they used to have OCD and have truly become OCD free! Then make sure that you like them! If they will mentor you, you will shave enormous amounts of time off how long you suffer with OCD! Feel free to reply with any questions you may have.
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Here are some things that you can do right now to help get you started in becoming OCD free.
- realize that you have OCD
- stop performing rituals
- face the anxiety that comes when you don't perform rituals
- realize that the anxiety will go away sooner than you think
- repeat the process
The best way that I've found is for people to find a mentor, it could be me or someone else, whoever you choose, make sure they used to have OCD and have truly become OCD free! Then make sure that you like them! If they will mentor you, you will shave enormous amounts of time off how long you suffer with OCD! Feel free to reply with any questions you may have.
until next post,
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Part 2: OCD cure overview, step-by-step
How OCD is formed.
Did you ever wonder how OCD formed in your life?
I used to wonder that myself, until I realized and learned certain principles and ideas about how our minds work.
One of the first things I noticed was the our brain creates 'coping mechanisms.'
When we go through a stressful situation, we think of ways to cope with it.
An example is when we were little, we may have put our head under the sheets to protect us from the evil monster in the closet.
Now that we are adults, we may repeat rituals to ourselves or do certain actions that may be based in superstition, such as kiss the cross we may be wearing around our necks for good luck.
When we become really afraid that something may happen, we get anxiety about it.
We then may turn to one of these relatively normal habits, like saying, "knock on wood." or other things like that to deal and cope with the stress of a situation.
When we start to fear that the bad thing will happen if we don't do that, that's when it becomes OCD and that's how it's formed...
Now that you know roughly how OCD formed in your life, in my next post I'm going to cover some ways in which you can start becoming OCD free yourself!
until next post.......Derek
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Did you ever wonder how OCD formed in your life?
I used to wonder that myself, until I realized and learned certain principles and ideas about how our minds work.
One of the first things I noticed was the our brain creates 'coping mechanisms.'
When we go through a stressful situation, we think of ways to cope with it.
An example is when we were little, we may have put our head under the sheets to protect us from the evil monster in the closet.
Now that we are adults, we may repeat rituals to ourselves or do certain actions that may be based in superstition, such as kiss the cross we may be wearing around our necks for good luck.
When we become really afraid that something may happen, we get anxiety about it.
We then may turn to one of these relatively normal habits, like saying, "knock on wood." or other things like that to deal and cope with the stress of a situation.
When we start to fear that the bad thing will happen if we don't do that, that's when it becomes OCD and that's how it's formed...
Now that you know roughly how OCD formed in your life, in my next post I'm going to cover some ways in which you can start becoming OCD free yourself!
until next post.......Derek
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Part 1: The first step of the cure for OCD
I used to suffer from OCD and I had it bad! My family and friends were sick of me and I was sick of me. I considered moving away and living alone, I even considered suicide. I could not get obsessions out of my mind. Today I am OCD free and over the next few weeks, I will be sharing on here how I became OCD free. I do offer a mentoring program where I will work with you personally to help you get over OCD just like I did, but if you think you can do it alone, this blog will give you some really great free advice that you can use instantly ;p Thanks for reading...
The first part on my journey to becoming OCD free was the fact that I found out that I had OCD!
A lot of people go through life suffering from something but they don't know what it is. They think they are going crazy or that there is something wrong with their brain! Nothing could be further from the truth.
Here's how you can know if you have OCD. If you are afraid that if you don't do something, something bad will happen or could happen, you have OCD.
Once you know that you have it, you can do something about it.
What you need to know next is how OCD is formed and I will go over that on my next post; until then, have a great day ;p
Derek J. Soto
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
The first part on my journey to becoming OCD free was the fact that I found out that I had OCD!
A lot of people go through life suffering from something but they don't know what it is. They think they are going crazy or that there is something wrong with their brain! Nothing could be further from the truth.
Here's how you can know if you have OCD. If you are afraid that if you don't do something, something bad will happen or could happen, you have OCD.
Once you know that you have it, you can do something about it.
What you need to know next is how OCD is formed and I will go over that on my next post; until then, have a great day ;p
Derek J. Soto
For more instantly usable free information click: Become OCD Free
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