Compulsive obsessive behavior causes a lot of heartache in millions of sufferers all around the world and I can tell you from experience that it is not as easy! You gotta understand that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a habit that can be stopped just like you can stop biting your nails or pulling your hair, etc. Forget all the fancy names that the "professionals" give these habits, when you get down to it, this is just what they are, habits! So you can either be ignorant and shake your head and say, nope, you can't cure OCD and be stuck with it for the rest of your life because of that belief or you can open your mind to the possibility that it can be cured and that there are people out there like me who have had it and real bad for several years and have beaten it!
I want you to understand that you need to realize that it is a problem that you don't have to live with for the rest of your life in order for me to be able to help you! Compulsive obsessive behavior is not a disease. If you can grasp this concept continue reading, if not, go read some propaganda written by a therapist who wants you to continue coming back to their office so that they can continue to charge your insurance ridiculous fees to talk about your childhood! Wake up! Stop being under the trance of social conditioning and think for yourself! I like people that think for themselves and challenge the status quo, these are the people that actually get things done!
Look at people like Bill Gates. He challenged the status quo and did not even finish college and he is the richest man in the world most of the time! Think about this, we have been told all our lives that in order to be successful you gotta get a degree from a college and then you can be somebody, but all the people that I know that are rich did not finish high school! I know of several marketers right now that make over 100 million a year and they never even went to college! Then the people that I know that finished college, make less than I do and I only went for two years! So challenge the status quo.
Again, I was told by a doctor that I would have OCD for the rest of my life and that I had to take Citalopram for the rest of my life to treat it! I refused to believe this and I searched for people who had OCD and got rid of it! I knew it was possible to beat compulsive obsessive behavior and guess what? I did! It really only boils down to what you believe you can do. I also used to suffer from migraines. When my neurologist told me that I would have to take migraine medications for the rest of my life, I refused to accept it! I went to a chiropractor and learned about ergonomics when I slept, now I have not had a migraine in years! So much for my smarty pants neurologist! Don't blindly take the word of "experts" however, think for yourself and you can do things that will appear as a miracle to the "sheep" or general population in this world.
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "compulsive obsessive behavior"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.
This is where I blog about all the new OCD stuff that I learn about every day. I will provide you with my best and must up-to-date information on what I think is useful in becoming OCD free! Enjoy ;p
Monday, August 17, 2009
Compulsive Disorder Obsessive - True Story of the OCD Cure
Compulsive disorder obsessive thoughts can really ruin your life. Every once in a while you hear about those people who they had OCD and for whatever reason it just went away. These are not true stories of people who had it and beat it. The true stories are when those people who had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder had it and then they get rid of it by their efforts, not wait until it just goes away. When the hard times come back in life, the people who had to put effort into getting rid of their OCD will not have to worry about a relapse while those who just had it go away are doomed to have a relapse.
The whole point of getting rid of compulsive disorder obsessive is to make sure it's gone for good, wouldn't you say? I would hope that this is your mindset. I am of the mindset that you should want to take the actions that you have to take so that you never have to face this problem again and even if you face it again you will be so equipped to handle it that there is virtually no way for it to return. I'm talking about resilience to OCD, I'm talking about a mental vaccine if you will. When you take a vaccine, when the disease tries to get you again, the chances of it making you sick are slim to none!
So what can you do to get this mental vaccine? You need to understand that compulsive disorder obsessive is not a disease, it is a habit. This habit can be cruel just like any other habit, such as pulling your hair or biting your nails so excessively that you bleed! You need to give yourself sufficient reasons why not only that you need to quit, but you have to perceive it as though you have to quit! Several shifts have to take place in your brain for you to be even able to get to the point where you can get rid of your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Another thing that you should definitely know about compulsive disorder obsessive is that the "quick fix" is not as effective as the dedicated following of a system at least at this time. Later on in the future we will be more equipped to almost instantaneously be able to stop habits with little to no resistance in seconds. However the problem in stopping an aggressive habit is not in the changes taking place in the client's brain, the work is in getting the client to let go of their old beliefs which block the necessary changes. You quit habits in an instant, it's just getting the client to let go of their old limiting beliefs that is so frightening for the client and challenging for the practitioner.
Sadly most practitioners give up on people with compulsive disorder obsessive tendencies and issues because they do not fully understand enough about the habit in order to offer any real help. If you are seeing someone who claims to be able to help you with this and you have sen them for over 2 months with no results, and very important, you have been doing what they said, you need to find someone else. You must make sure that the statement I said above is only true if you followed their program to the letter!
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "compulsive disorder obsessive"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.
The whole point of getting rid of compulsive disorder obsessive is to make sure it's gone for good, wouldn't you say? I would hope that this is your mindset. I am of the mindset that you should want to take the actions that you have to take so that you never have to face this problem again and even if you face it again you will be so equipped to handle it that there is virtually no way for it to return. I'm talking about resilience to OCD, I'm talking about a mental vaccine if you will. When you take a vaccine, when the disease tries to get you again, the chances of it making you sick are slim to none!
So what can you do to get this mental vaccine? You need to understand that compulsive disorder obsessive is not a disease, it is a habit. This habit can be cruel just like any other habit, such as pulling your hair or biting your nails so excessively that you bleed! You need to give yourself sufficient reasons why not only that you need to quit, but you have to perceive it as though you have to quit! Several shifts have to take place in your brain for you to be even able to get to the point where you can get rid of your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
Another thing that you should definitely know about compulsive disorder obsessive is that the "quick fix" is not as effective as the dedicated following of a system at least at this time. Later on in the future we will be more equipped to almost instantaneously be able to stop habits with little to no resistance in seconds. However the problem in stopping an aggressive habit is not in the changes taking place in the client's brain, the work is in getting the client to let go of their old beliefs which block the necessary changes. You quit habits in an instant, it's just getting the client to let go of their old limiting beliefs that is so frightening for the client and challenging for the practitioner.
Sadly most practitioners give up on people with compulsive disorder obsessive tendencies and issues because they do not fully understand enough about the habit in order to offer any real help. If you are seeing someone who claims to be able to help you with this and you have sen them for over 2 months with no results, and very important, you have been doing what they said, you need to find someone else. You must make sure that the statement I said above is only true if you followed their program to the letter!
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "compulsive disorder obsessive"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.
Overcoming Obsessive Thoughts - Taking Down the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Beast
Overcoming obsessive thoughts is not easy for anyone at first. You need to understand that it really is counter intuitive. In fact, the "secret" to most things is counter intuitive! So start to think like this and you will start to see things in ways that you never thought you would. One thing that you should note is that when you simply tell yourself to do something, it does not mean that you will all of a sudden start to do this. Let's use dieting for example. Millions of people tell themselves that they have to workout or eat less, but often most of them never follow through with it long enough for it to have an impact and worse, some get results, then go back to their old ways and lose all the benefits they got from their previous hard work!
So how can you apply this to overcoming obsessive thoughts? You can do this by simply sticking with something that is working for you until the results are so ingrained that they are permanent. Most people will only do something long enough until they get the result that they want or a result that is "close enough" to the desired result. However, they do not stick with it and therefore lose the result and that is when they say things like, "oh, I tried that, it doesn't work." It's not that it doesn't work, but rather, you stopped. Period. The reason why they stopped is because they were relying on something called "willpower." If you are hungry and you keep telling yourself that you are not hungry, after a while you will not be able to keep up this charade and you will give in and pig out!
Instead, you must do things like change your metabolism and become active so that you will not be sitting around thinking about eating all the time. The same thing applies when you are overcoming obsessive thoughts, you must understand that you need to change other habits that make you more susceptible to the habit of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD is something that is so misunderstood that it is really hard to get people to even believe the truth about it. You need to put aside the social conditioning that you have been put through. Think about this, almost all of the commercials on TV are about insurance, lawyers, or pharmaceutical drugs!
When you are overcoming obsessive thoughts you need to understand that it is a viscous beast if you do not understand it, but when you understand it, it's a gentle kitten that will do whatever you tell it to. If you try to get rid of OCD the wrong way, it's like trying to lift a thousand pound rock and then hold it up! However, if you have the right mental tools, it will be like lifting up a thousand pound rock with a crane and then setting the crane in the off position when the rock is at the desired height. You can go home and the rock will stay there until you go and start up the crane and lower it again. I want you to have these kind of results when it comes to your OCD! I have some powerful information for you below that I think you'll enjoy!
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "overcoming obsessive thoughts"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.
So how can you apply this to overcoming obsessive thoughts? You can do this by simply sticking with something that is working for you until the results are so ingrained that they are permanent. Most people will only do something long enough until they get the result that they want or a result that is "close enough" to the desired result. However, they do not stick with it and therefore lose the result and that is when they say things like, "oh, I tried that, it doesn't work." It's not that it doesn't work, but rather, you stopped. Period. The reason why they stopped is because they were relying on something called "willpower." If you are hungry and you keep telling yourself that you are not hungry, after a while you will not be able to keep up this charade and you will give in and pig out!
Instead, you must do things like change your metabolism and become active so that you will not be sitting around thinking about eating all the time. The same thing applies when you are overcoming obsessive thoughts, you must understand that you need to change other habits that make you more susceptible to the habit of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. OCD is something that is so misunderstood that it is really hard to get people to even believe the truth about it. You need to put aside the social conditioning that you have been put through. Think about this, almost all of the commercials on TV are about insurance, lawyers, or pharmaceutical drugs!
When you are overcoming obsessive thoughts you need to understand that it is a viscous beast if you do not understand it, but when you understand it, it's a gentle kitten that will do whatever you tell it to. If you try to get rid of OCD the wrong way, it's like trying to lift a thousand pound rock and then hold it up! However, if you have the right mental tools, it will be like lifting up a thousand pound rock with a crane and then setting the crane in the off position when the rock is at the desired height. You can go home and the rock will stay there until you go and start up the crane and lower it again. I want you to have these kind of results when it comes to your OCD! I have some powerful information for you below that I think you'll enjoy!
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "overcoming obsessive thoughts"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.
Obsessive Thought - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Quick Start Guide, Finally!
Obsessive thought patterns can plague anyone of us at almost anytime, unless we learn how to control our own experience. You see, most people are just along for the ride. What I mean by this is that they simply let whatever happens happens and they are just a spectator in their lives. Meanwhile leaders are not merely spectator in their lives, but they are participants and influence rs and game changers. If you want to have the life that you dream of, someone is not going to come over to your house and just hand it to you, you must work for it. If you want to become OCD free, you must work for it, period.
When it comes to obsessive thought I must tell you that you are causing your own Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and I know that that is not very encouraging, but at the same time it is because if you have control over it, that means you can do something about it, don't you agree? So what is it then that we can do about OCD so that it is not a problem for you anymore and so that you will never ever have to suffer from it again? We must believe that it is possible. Then what we must do is act on this belief. Do your research on this belief. Your belief about OCD will determine the kind of help that you look for. You will after all find what you are looking for, but you must first ask yourself if you are looking for the right thing. Are you looking for treatments or are you looking for cures?
When I think about my clients and their obsessive thought patterns, I can assure you that these thoughts greatly hinder their positive experiences in their lives and in the lives of the people around them. You see, it's not easy for anyone to live with someone who has OCD, even if they have it themselves! So you must know that not giving into a ritual will not kill you. Did you know that? Do you honestly believe that? Do you act on this belief or do you act on a different belief? Do you do things just to get "piece of mind" even though you know that you are giving into your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder like a puppet? It's all determined by how you interpret the thoughts that you have.
Most people that I work with and mentor with greatly disturbed by the obsessive thought patterns that they have. Not much encourages them, that is until they find out that they can do something about it and when I tell them all the things that they can do about it and explain these things to them one by one and then let them practice them over time until they are ready for more things, they start to see a different life that is possible for them and for their family. I want to help you get rid of your OCD too, but you must understand that it is not a pill or a type of therapy or surgery or anything weird that will cure you of your OCD. No, instead, it will be from your hard work and dedication and no it does not have anything to do with "willpower" or "just don't give in" bs that simply does not work. I have some great free information for you below, enjoy!
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "obsessive thought"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.
When it comes to obsessive thought I must tell you that you are causing your own Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and I know that that is not very encouraging, but at the same time it is because if you have control over it, that means you can do something about it, don't you agree? So what is it then that we can do about OCD so that it is not a problem for you anymore and so that you will never ever have to suffer from it again? We must believe that it is possible. Then what we must do is act on this belief. Do your research on this belief. Your belief about OCD will determine the kind of help that you look for. You will after all find what you are looking for, but you must first ask yourself if you are looking for the right thing. Are you looking for treatments or are you looking for cures?
When I think about my clients and their obsessive thought patterns, I can assure you that these thoughts greatly hinder their positive experiences in their lives and in the lives of the people around them. You see, it's not easy for anyone to live with someone who has OCD, even if they have it themselves! So you must know that not giving into a ritual will not kill you. Did you know that? Do you honestly believe that? Do you act on this belief or do you act on a different belief? Do you do things just to get "piece of mind" even though you know that you are giving into your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder like a puppet? It's all determined by how you interpret the thoughts that you have.
Most people that I work with and mentor with greatly disturbed by the obsessive thought patterns that they have. Not much encourages them, that is until they find out that they can do something about it and when I tell them all the things that they can do about it and explain these things to them one by one and then let them practice them over time until they are ready for more things, they start to see a different life that is possible for them and for their family. I want to help you get rid of your OCD too, but you must understand that it is not a pill or a type of therapy or surgery or anything weird that will cure you of your OCD. No, instead, it will be from your hard work and dedication and no it does not have anything to do with "willpower" or "just don't give in" bs that simply does not work. I have some great free information for you below, enjoy!
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "obsessive thought"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.
Compulsive Thoughts - How Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is Killing You
Compulsive thoughts, when it comes to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, are really a bigger enemy than they might appear to be at first. See, how OCD starts is by little quirky actions such as Robert in the show Everybody Loves Raymond, where he touches his utensil to his chin before he takes a bite of the food on it. These types of things can easily turn into Obsessive Compulsive Disorder if this person goes through something that is very distressing for them.
You gotta understand that the compulsive thoughts can and will destroy your quality of life if you continue to indulge them. Just the same that that you indulge yourself and eat ice cream every time you feel like it is bad for you, so is giving into these quirky thoughts whenever you have them! Anything in excess in nature is bad, we have seen this when we have rain, it's good, but when there is too much, there is flooding and damage! When we have dryness it's good because it balances out the rain, but when there is too much, our crops die and fires start up and other disasters.
The same principle takes place in our brains when it comes to our compulsive thoughts. You must not give in each and every time. If you truly want to be free from these thoughts, you must be willing to not give in to them. It's odd, but when it comes to OCD, you feel like you need to control something, whether it be your exposure to germs or if you will get that job or not. So you will do rituals to try to control or influence the outcome or prevent something bad from happening. These rituals do not affect the outcome directly, but rather, they affect the way that you think about things which will change the way that you react to things, which will change things that will affect the outcome.
I know that this seems like a lot of information here, but you can see these things in real life. For example, lets say that you have compulsive thoughts about landing a job. So you have a thought that you must touch the car door handle three times when you enter and when you exit or something will happen where you will be rejected. So you touch the car handle this many times. Then you get the job, you may wrongly think that this action influenced your good fortune. However, if you had not touched the handle and got the job, what would you think then?
Most people with compulsive thoughts rarely test this out out of fear. I challenge you to not give in and see the results, otherwise, how else will you know? You see, compulsive thoughts will really ruin your life by making you do all these necessary things that you will feel like you need to hide and this also will make yo feel insecure and miserable inside, which will ruin your quality of life, which will ruin your mood, which will take away your joy, which can cause health problems, which will kill you. In this way, it really is a life or death decision, when you give into OCD, you are starting a chain of events that leads to a miserable life and a quicker death as opposed to the alternative, a happy and longer life by not giving into rituals, which do you choose? Below I have information that will help you learn how to choose the second option with success without using "willpower" which doesn't work!
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "compulsive thoughts"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.
You gotta understand that the compulsive thoughts can and will destroy your quality of life if you continue to indulge them. Just the same that that you indulge yourself and eat ice cream every time you feel like it is bad for you, so is giving into these quirky thoughts whenever you have them! Anything in excess in nature is bad, we have seen this when we have rain, it's good, but when there is too much, there is flooding and damage! When we have dryness it's good because it balances out the rain, but when there is too much, our crops die and fires start up and other disasters.
The same principle takes place in our brains when it comes to our compulsive thoughts. You must not give in each and every time. If you truly want to be free from these thoughts, you must be willing to not give in to them. It's odd, but when it comes to OCD, you feel like you need to control something, whether it be your exposure to germs or if you will get that job or not. So you will do rituals to try to control or influence the outcome or prevent something bad from happening. These rituals do not affect the outcome directly, but rather, they affect the way that you think about things which will change the way that you react to things, which will change things that will affect the outcome.
I know that this seems like a lot of information here, but you can see these things in real life. For example, lets say that you have compulsive thoughts about landing a job. So you have a thought that you must touch the car door handle three times when you enter and when you exit or something will happen where you will be rejected. So you touch the car handle this many times. Then you get the job, you may wrongly think that this action influenced your good fortune. However, if you had not touched the handle and got the job, what would you think then?
Most people with compulsive thoughts rarely test this out out of fear. I challenge you to not give in and see the results, otherwise, how else will you know? You see, compulsive thoughts will really ruin your life by making you do all these necessary things that you will feel like you need to hide and this also will make yo feel insecure and miserable inside, which will ruin your quality of life, which will ruin your mood, which will take away your joy, which can cause health problems, which will kill you. In this way, it really is a life or death decision, when you give into OCD, you are starting a chain of events that leads to a miserable life and a quicker death as opposed to the alternative, a happy and longer life by not giving into rituals, which do you choose? Below I have information that will help you learn how to choose the second option with success without using "willpower" which doesn't work!
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "compulsive thoughts"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.
Compulsive Obsessive Disorders - Obey This One Rule to Stop OCD For Good!
Compulsive obsessive disorders can be catastrophic to your way of life. When we look at the things that Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can do to your life and to the lives of the loved ones around you, you'll start to see that this needs to be fixed. You can truly see that there is a problem there but when you really think about it, it is completely silly that millions of people suffer with this useless malady. You see, OCD is just a habit and there are a lot of results which support this view. The facts speak loudly for themselves. I have been helping people with OCD for several years and I can tell you from experience that the fact that OCD is just a habit has been proven to me over and over again.
So what is it that makes compulsive obsessive disorders such a monster? Why are people having such a hard time getting rid of OCD? It's simple. In their current perception of reality, the pain of not giving into a ritual far outweights the pain of giving into a ritual. Your brain will naturally choose the lesser of two pains each and every time without fail! It would only choose the more painful option if it perceived that there would be some type of great pleasure at the end of it! Do you see the power of this? Our beliefs will even lead us to do something painful if we believe there is a sufficient enough reward at the end. That is why most Americans actually go to work in the first place!
So how can you apply this principle into your compulsive obsessive disorders? You've got to understand that you have to change your interpretation of the data around you in your world so that you perceive that there will be more pain if you give into a ritual than if you don't. It is really that simple. If you can achieve this, then you will have no problem finding something to replace your OCD habit with. I find that it is helpful for my clients to have a hobby or something that they love to do to replace their OCD habit just like smokers can sometimes find that gum can be a healthy alternative to their cigarettes.
I want you to understand that "willpower" is useless! That is why so many diets simply don't work! They rely on the fact that you need to use willpower to stick to it. Willpower is useless! So what can we do then knowing that willpower will fail us almost every time? We can change the way that we perceive the data around us, the way we interpret it. We have control to do this and here is an example: A guy bumps into you in the subway and you fall and spill your contents. You go home and complain about this jerk. Then you find out in the news that he was being chased by someone trying to kill him and his family. Now in your mind he is no longer so much of a jerk is he! See, interpretation of the data. To learn how to use this to change how you feel about OCD naturally instead of trying to force it with willpower which never works, read below!
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "compulsive obsessive disorders"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.
So what is it that makes compulsive obsessive disorders such a monster? Why are people having such a hard time getting rid of OCD? It's simple. In their current perception of reality, the pain of not giving into a ritual far outweights the pain of giving into a ritual. Your brain will naturally choose the lesser of two pains each and every time without fail! It would only choose the more painful option if it perceived that there would be some type of great pleasure at the end of it! Do you see the power of this? Our beliefs will even lead us to do something painful if we believe there is a sufficient enough reward at the end. That is why most Americans actually go to work in the first place!
So how can you apply this principle into your compulsive obsessive disorders? You've got to understand that you have to change your interpretation of the data around you in your world so that you perceive that there will be more pain if you give into a ritual than if you don't. It is really that simple. If you can achieve this, then you will have no problem finding something to replace your OCD habit with. I find that it is helpful for my clients to have a hobby or something that they love to do to replace their OCD habit just like smokers can sometimes find that gum can be a healthy alternative to their cigarettes.
I want you to understand that "willpower" is useless! That is why so many diets simply don't work! They rely on the fact that you need to use willpower to stick to it. Willpower is useless! So what can we do then knowing that willpower will fail us almost every time? We can change the way that we perceive the data around us, the way we interpret it. We have control to do this and here is an example: A guy bumps into you in the subway and you fall and spill your contents. You go home and complain about this jerk. Then you find out in the news that he was being chased by someone trying to kill him and his family. Now in your mind he is no longer so much of a jerk is he! See, interpretation of the data. To learn how to use this to change how you feel about OCD naturally instead of trying to force it with willpower which never works, read below!
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "compulsive obsessive disorders"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
About OCD - What You Need To Know About Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
What I would like to really impress upon you when it comes to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is that it is a habit and nothing more! You need to understand that the use of medications is a mask to the actual problem. What you should understand about OCD is that even though it is like pure hell, there is an answer that does not involve medication and this answer is permanent!
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can hide in people for many years before the person even knows that they have it. They usually think that something is wrong with them first but they don't know what it is and then that is when they start to do research online like you are right now and try to find out what is wrong with them. Let me tell you about OCD. There is nothing wrong with you and there is nothing wrong with your brain. A lot of people seem to think that there is something wrong with yoru brain if you have OCD because that is the only way that they know how to describe what's going on.
I can understand that when an "expert" tells you about OCD, they will show your brain scans of where blood flow is going when a person has certain thoughts. But these tests are really irrelevant. As everyone's OCD is different. We are all like snow flakes, there are no two alike. Some poeple would be petrefied to touch a door knob, while you may suffer with walking on cracks and could care less about a door knob or touching one for that matter! If we scanned your brain, we would show that the the fear center in the brain of the person who has a problem touching door knobs would not show fear when exposed to someone else's fear of walking on cracks. Many people fear that if they hear other people's maladies that they will take on those fears, but it does not work that way. One thing you should know about OCD is that it lies to you.
What you should definitely know about OCD is that it is called the doubting disease. You will probably doubt everything you read in this article. You will doubt things that a doctor tells you and think to yourself, "my situation is different!" No, you are not that special. You are not anymore special than any of the other millions of people who suffer from OCD. About your OCD, you are unique but your situation is not a special case, it is an OCD case, which is a habit, which can be stopped.
What would be really great for you to know about OCD is that you can actually stop it if you simply change the habits that you have associated with it. I felt that if I pointed my shoes in a certain direction that it would help prevent bad situations with my girlfriend, in reality, there is no way that would make any sense and so someone that sees my struggle with this who suffers with OCD would still laugh at me, while the thing that they struggled with I would laugh at. Think about this, someone that does not have OCD would laugh at both of us at that time! I now look back, remembering how I had OCD and how silly it was, I simply laugh at the silly things I did to try to prevent real things from happening with immaginary thinking! Once you learn how to see the difference between what is real and what is imagined, then you will be free from OCD for life, period.
So we can see that now that I could care less where my shoes are pointed, I also have eliminated that fear from my life so now if you took a scan of my brain, when I take my shoes off, you would see that the fear centers of the brain are no longer activated! Guess what, I took no medication to get rid of my OCD! One thing that you should know about OCD is that it is easier to get rid of than you think, but it's very tedious. I know that is not what you want to hear. You can either continue to believe the lies of the drug companies that tell you about OCD and that thier drugs cure you. Think about this, if the drugs cured you, why do you have to keep taking the drugs for the rest of your life in ever increasing doses?
So when we look at these pills, the only way that I would consider them a cure is if you took it once just like antibiotics and then OCD was gone. Just like if you take a course of pencillin, then the cold or whatever you had is gone forever. Even then it can come back. Not so with the techniques that I have discovered and thousands of others have discovered that if you learn these skills, OCD can never come back because you know the truth and you have conditioned your brain to know that there is no real danger therefore there is no fear. I would love to teach these skills to you, they are secrets of the mind that will make you look at your world in a whole new way. Seriously.
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "About OCD"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can hide in people for many years before the person even knows that they have it. They usually think that something is wrong with them first but they don't know what it is and then that is when they start to do research online like you are right now and try to find out what is wrong with them. Let me tell you about OCD. There is nothing wrong with you and there is nothing wrong with your brain. A lot of people seem to think that there is something wrong with yoru brain if you have OCD because that is the only way that they know how to describe what's going on.
I can understand that when an "expert" tells you about OCD, they will show your brain scans of where blood flow is going when a person has certain thoughts. But these tests are really irrelevant. As everyone's OCD is different. We are all like snow flakes, there are no two alike. Some poeple would be petrefied to touch a door knob, while you may suffer with walking on cracks and could care less about a door knob or touching one for that matter! If we scanned your brain, we would show that the the fear center in the brain of the person who has a problem touching door knobs would not show fear when exposed to someone else's fear of walking on cracks. Many people fear that if they hear other people's maladies that they will take on those fears, but it does not work that way. One thing you should know about OCD is that it lies to you.
What you should definitely know about OCD is that it is called the doubting disease. You will probably doubt everything you read in this article. You will doubt things that a doctor tells you and think to yourself, "my situation is different!" No, you are not that special. You are not anymore special than any of the other millions of people who suffer from OCD. About your OCD, you are unique but your situation is not a special case, it is an OCD case, which is a habit, which can be stopped.
What would be really great for you to know about OCD is that you can actually stop it if you simply change the habits that you have associated with it. I felt that if I pointed my shoes in a certain direction that it would help prevent bad situations with my girlfriend, in reality, there is no way that would make any sense and so someone that sees my struggle with this who suffers with OCD would still laugh at me, while the thing that they struggled with I would laugh at. Think about this, someone that does not have OCD would laugh at both of us at that time! I now look back, remembering how I had OCD and how silly it was, I simply laugh at the silly things I did to try to prevent real things from happening with immaginary thinking! Once you learn how to see the difference between what is real and what is imagined, then you will be free from OCD for life, period.
So we can see that now that I could care less where my shoes are pointed, I also have eliminated that fear from my life so now if you took a scan of my brain, when I take my shoes off, you would see that the fear centers of the brain are no longer activated! Guess what, I took no medication to get rid of my OCD! One thing that you should know about OCD is that it is easier to get rid of than you think, but it's very tedious. I know that is not what you want to hear. You can either continue to believe the lies of the drug companies that tell you about OCD and that thier drugs cure you. Think about this, if the drugs cured you, why do you have to keep taking the drugs for the rest of your life in ever increasing doses?
So when we look at these pills, the only way that I would consider them a cure is if you took it once just like antibiotics and then OCD was gone. Just like if you take a course of pencillin, then the cold or whatever you had is gone forever. Even then it can come back. Not so with the techniques that I have discovered and thousands of others have discovered that if you learn these skills, OCD can never come back because you know the truth and you have conditioned your brain to know that there is no real danger therefore there is no fear. I would love to teach these skills to you, they are secrets of the mind that will make you look at your world in a whole new way. Seriously.
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "About OCD"
Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.
Friday, July 3, 2009
OCD in children - How To Help A Child With OCD
OCD in children - How To Help A Child With OCD
OCD in children is tough for both the child and for the parents. If you are a parent trying to help your child with OCD, there are many options that you can take. Being well informed will help you to make the best decision. One of the things that you can do right now is to ask your child what they are afraid will happen if they don't give into their rituals.
This of course is dependant on the fact that you know what your child's ritual is. You see, it's important to be able to recognize when your child is performing a ritual, that way you know what to talk about when you talk to your child about OCD. It's also best to not talk about it all the time. It's good for you and your child to both decide on a time a few times a week when it's ok to talk about it. Of course you want to tell your child that they can tell you when something is especially difficult, but if not, it should wait until the agreed upon time.
You see, this uses some psychological tools. If you keep trying to talk to your child about his or her OCD, they will not want to talk about it and will close off to you. However, if when they want to talk about it, you ask them if it can wait until the scheduled time, this will at first discourage them, but then when they have the chance to talk about it, they'll be way more open to opening up to you. You must remember that as a parent, you must let the child know that they have just as much say about their OCD as you do and that you are to work together to stop it.
OCD in children is tough especially when it gets really bad and sometimes when it gets rough, you may consider using a medication as an emergency kit. Just as you would not be able to focus on an OCD eliminating program when your OCD is through the roof, the same for a child. Sometimes it's best to get them on some medication and then have them on for a few months before weaning them off. Only you and your doctor can decide what is right for him or her medically, but in my opinion, I feel the most effective treatment for OCD is to use medication for a few months, while teaching the client how to handle and dispell it without medication.
Then, to wean the client off the medication, and the situation will not get back to where it was and for peace of mind, you can always put them back on the medication if it gets unbearable. However keep in mind that the more time that is spent not giving into a ritual when it's really hard not to, the more powerful the person will become over their OCD. OCD in children is not easy, but with the right guidance and structure, your child should see a marked inprovement within only a few short months. The things that your child will learn will be with them for the rest of their lives, making it harder for OCD to come back into their life, therefore making the healing from OCD permanent!
Click here to stop OCD in your child >>> OCD in children
OCD in children is tough for both the child and for the parents. If you are a parent trying to help your child with OCD, there are many options that you can take. Being well informed will help you to make the best decision. One of the things that you can do right now is to ask your child what they are afraid will happen if they don't give into their rituals.
This of course is dependant on the fact that you know what your child's ritual is. You see, it's important to be able to recognize when your child is performing a ritual, that way you know what to talk about when you talk to your child about OCD. It's also best to not talk about it all the time. It's good for you and your child to both decide on a time a few times a week when it's ok to talk about it. Of course you want to tell your child that they can tell you when something is especially difficult, but if not, it should wait until the agreed upon time.
You see, this uses some psychological tools. If you keep trying to talk to your child about his or her OCD, they will not want to talk about it and will close off to you. However, if when they want to talk about it, you ask them if it can wait until the scheduled time, this will at first discourage them, but then when they have the chance to talk about it, they'll be way more open to opening up to you. You must remember that as a parent, you must let the child know that they have just as much say about their OCD as you do and that you are to work together to stop it.
OCD in children is tough especially when it gets really bad and sometimes when it gets rough, you may consider using a medication as an emergency kit. Just as you would not be able to focus on an OCD eliminating program when your OCD is through the roof, the same for a child. Sometimes it's best to get them on some medication and then have them on for a few months before weaning them off. Only you and your doctor can decide what is right for him or her medically, but in my opinion, I feel the most effective treatment for OCD is to use medication for a few months, while teaching the client how to handle and dispell it without medication.
Then, to wean the client off the medication, and the situation will not get back to where it was and for peace of mind, you can always put them back on the medication if it gets unbearable. However keep in mind that the more time that is spent not giving into a ritual when it's really hard not to, the more powerful the person will become over their OCD. OCD in children is not easy, but with the right guidance and structure, your child should see a marked inprovement within only a few short months. The things that your child will learn will be with them for the rest of their lives, making it harder for OCD to come back into their life, therefore making the healing from OCD permanent!
Click here to stop OCD in your child >>> OCD in children
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Treatment For OCD - Popular OCD Advice and Why it Sucks For You
So what are some of the most popular pieces of advice that people are given when it comes to OCD?
I'll tell you right here and right now that most of the "advice" that is going around about OCD is absolutely stupid. Really. Here are some of the things that I have heard that I just could not believe as I shook my head in disappointment. The first one, Just think about something else. Lol. How do you apply this?
Have you noticed that most advice that is given is watered down generic pieces of advice? Have you noticed that people regurgitate the little nuggets of perceived wisdom that they have heard and they actually have no idea what they are talking about. Seriously. I have to apologize for their mistakes, as they have lead you astray and have given you essentially useless information.
What about another one: "You just gotta fight it." Wow, how do we apply this? Now before I go ahead and give you some good OCD tips or what not I think that you should first see how the existing common knowledge is so wrong. So let's look at this for a second, how do you fight your OCD thoughts? Do you focus on not having OCD thoughts? Here is the truth, the thoughts that you focus on become stronger and the thoughts that you do not focus on become weaker, it's simply how the brain works.
What about this ignorant line, "I am going to focus on getting rid of my OCD before I actually move on with my life." Whatever you focus on will become stronger. Absolutely do not focus on your OCD. Period. What do you think is going to happen if you sit there and focus on OCD, it's just going to get stronger. Now I can hear people saying, "Well, I gotta do something about it!" Yes you do, but focusing on it is not one of those things.
What about when people say, "I'm just going to go to a therapist and they'll heal me." Wow, don't tell me you're that simple. Seriously, I cannot count how many people have come to me for help with their OCD because their therapist, psychologist or any other fancy sounding profession could not help them.
Let's go ahead real quick and cover why the "professionals" will probably not be able to help you. They focus on OCD! They then string you along talking about your traumatic childhood. That is a good scam, as they can keep you there for years without real results. Now there are therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists that can help and are very good at what they do, but they are not as common as you think. So do your due diligence if you decide to go that route and find out what their results were for their clients and how long it took them to get those results. Results are all that matter, period.
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "treatment for OCD"
I'll tell you right here and right now that most of the "advice" that is going around about OCD is absolutely stupid. Really. Here are some of the things that I have heard that I just could not believe as I shook my head in disappointment. The first one, Just think about something else. Lol. How do you apply this?
Have you noticed that most advice that is given is watered down generic pieces of advice? Have you noticed that people regurgitate the little nuggets of perceived wisdom that they have heard and they actually have no idea what they are talking about. Seriously. I have to apologize for their mistakes, as they have lead you astray and have given you essentially useless information.
What about another one: "You just gotta fight it." Wow, how do we apply this? Now before I go ahead and give you some good OCD tips or what not I think that you should first see how the existing common knowledge is so wrong. So let's look at this for a second, how do you fight your OCD thoughts? Do you focus on not having OCD thoughts? Here is the truth, the thoughts that you focus on become stronger and the thoughts that you do not focus on become weaker, it's simply how the brain works.
What about this ignorant line, "I am going to focus on getting rid of my OCD before I actually move on with my life." Whatever you focus on will become stronger. Absolutely do not focus on your OCD. Period. What do you think is going to happen if you sit there and focus on OCD, it's just going to get stronger. Now I can hear people saying, "Well, I gotta do something about it!" Yes you do, but focusing on it is not one of those things.
What about when people say, "I'm just going to go to a therapist and they'll heal me." Wow, don't tell me you're that simple. Seriously, I cannot count how many people have come to me for help with their OCD because their therapist, psychologist or any other fancy sounding profession could not help them.
Let's go ahead real quick and cover why the "professionals" will probably not be able to help you. They focus on OCD! They then string you along talking about your traumatic childhood. That is a good scam, as they can keep you there for years without real results. Now there are therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists that can help and are very good at what they do, but they are not as common as you think. So do your due diligence if you decide to go that route and find out what their results were for their clients and how long it took them to get those results. Results are all that matter, period.
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "treatment for OCD"
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Treatment For OCD - Enough is Enough With This Obsessive Compulsive Disorder!
Treatment For OCD - Enough is Enough With This OCD!
If you are like me, you are probably to the point where you gotta scream, "Enough is enough with this OCD!" As you can see, someone who has OCD or someone that has had it like me, understand these feelings. It's really hard to describe the kind of hell that OCD is even if you have it.
I just had to think, wow, Only when I started saying "enough is enough" did I actually started to see my OCD get smaller and smaller. I started to see that the treatment for OCD was actually deciding that you are done with it. When you get to the point where you just don't care anymore, that's when you start to see changes.
What people everywhere who suffer with OCD need to understand that OCD cannot be cured by reading a few articles. You don't know how important the understanding of this is. If that were the case, then why is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder becoming more and more of a problem? It's because there is a certain set of behaviors that you have to repeat on a daily basis in order to become free of it.
These steps are not just tiny little sentences in a sealed envelope somewhere as if it's the formula for nuclear fission or something. No, instead these steps must be matched with the specific person's own experience of the world. Most people think that when they learn a technique or trick that that is the cure. This is just not true.
The treatment for OCD is relearning how to react to your thoughts in a different way. This is a process and takes time. Don't expect that you are going to be able to just learn something and then be able to start out like a champ. All of us are green when we are new to something. Don't buy an OCD program and think for a second that it will be easy.
I really want you guys to understand this. There really is no magic pill! There is no magic formula! There are no big deep dark techniques that only a rocket scientist could understand. No, instead it's about learning basic principles and applying these basic principles in a repetitive and systematic fashion.
Back to the point that I was making earlier is that if you are content where you are and are not mad enough at your OCD, then how can you get rid of it? You have to feel a very strong need and motivation to get rid of OCD. If you are comfortable with it and are not bothered by it, then you need to make yourself motivated.
Think about the things that you could lose by not getting rid of your OCD. The treatment for OCD can be augmented by stirring a little bit of "fear of loss" into the mix. You see, the higher we can get your motivation to be, the quicker you will get over your OCD because you will become more desperate and will have the motivation to do what it takes no matter how you feel.
You always notice that those who are better at following directions and are doers actually get things done and are some of the most productive people in the world. When our desire and motivation is not high enough, we will look at a program someone made and have this inspector kind of mindset where we start looking for all the reasons why this program is not complete.
We have to put our pride away and become more strict with ourselves. We'll baby ourselves and try to wean off OCD ourselves. When you stop playing around and actually look at this as a life or death matter, that is when you'll start to see results.
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "treatment for OCD"
If you are like me, you are probably to the point where you gotta scream, "Enough is enough with this OCD!" As you can see, someone who has OCD or someone that has had it like me, understand these feelings. It's really hard to describe the kind of hell that OCD is even if you have it.
I just had to think, wow, Only when I started saying "enough is enough" did I actually started to see my OCD get smaller and smaller. I started to see that the treatment for OCD was actually deciding that you are done with it. When you get to the point where you just don't care anymore, that's when you start to see changes.
What people everywhere who suffer with OCD need to understand that OCD cannot be cured by reading a few articles. You don't know how important the understanding of this is. If that were the case, then why is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder becoming more and more of a problem? It's because there is a certain set of behaviors that you have to repeat on a daily basis in order to become free of it.
These steps are not just tiny little sentences in a sealed envelope somewhere as if it's the formula for nuclear fission or something. No, instead these steps must be matched with the specific person's own experience of the world. Most people think that when they learn a technique or trick that that is the cure. This is just not true.
The treatment for OCD is relearning how to react to your thoughts in a different way. This is a process and takes time. Don't expect that you are going to be able to just learn something and then be able to start out like a champ. All of us are green when we are new to something. Don't buy an OCD program and think for a second that it will be easy.
I really want you guys to understand this. There really is no magic pill! There is no magic formula! There are no big deep dark techniques that only a rocket scientist could understand. No, instead it's about learning basic principles and applying these basic principles in a repetitive and systematic fashion.
Back to the point that I was making earlier is that if you are content where you are and are not mad enough at your OCD, then how can you get rid of it? You have to feel a very strong need and motivation to get rid of OCD. If you are comfortable with it and are not bothered by it, then you need to make yourself motivated.
Think about the things that you could lose by not getting rid of your OCD. The treatment for OCD can be augmented by stirring a little bit of "fear of loss" into the mix. You see, the higher we can get your motivation to be, the quicker you will get over your OCD because you will become more desperate and will have the motivation to do what it takes no matter how you feel.
You always notice that those who are better at following directions and are doers actually get things done and are some of the most productive people in the world. When our desire and motivation is not high enough, we will look at a program someone made and have this inspector kind of mindset where we start looking for all the reasons why this program is not complete.
We have to put our pride away and become more strict with ourselves. We'll baby ourselves and try to wean off OCD ourselves. When you stop playing around and actually look at this as a life or death matter, that is when you'll start to see results.
Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "treatment for OCD"
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Treatment For OCD - Where Did My Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Come From?
Do you know how you even got Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
There are so many theories about where one gets their OCD and the treatment for OCD is also a debated subject. Meanwhile, you are sitting there wondering how it even all started arn't you?
Think back before you had OCD when you did those little quirky things. You see, OCD builds up over a long period of time. It's only when you feel like something is really wrong that you feel like you just got it from no where. You see, it was happening for a long time, you just didn't notice it.
I'm sure you can go back into your memory and think about in your times of stress if the quirky little things you did were a little more involved or even more quirky. You gotta understand that we learn things from repetition in our brains, if they are mundane, or very quickly if the thing we are learning is causing a lot of pleasure or pain to us in some way.
So when we explore our brains to search for the answers, we are lead through certain pathways in our head through our neurons. These are not the same things as nerves. Neurons create connections in our head, or pathways if you will where information is disbursed.
Think of a computer and how the information travels through the memory, the harddrive and the processor. In the brain, many different parts can do many different things at once, so instead of our processing power being limited by a bottleneck in the system, we can process information way faster.
When it comes to OCD, this is what makes the treatment of OCD harder than people think. However, if the person is willing to do what it takes to get rid of their OCD, they will get rid of it, following the right system, within a few months permanently. Using things like NLP and other techniques do not permanently cure OCD. The neurons have to be conditioned naturally in order to have lasting change.
Look at the past and all throughout history, there are even kings who have been shown to have OCD thoughts. The treatment for OCD back in those days was quite different. People believed in superstition more then they do now. What you should realize is that OCD comes from stress and from a habit of reacting with fear to your thoughts.
So it's obvious then that OCD is based totally on fear. Think about this, if you were not afraid of anything, would you have OCD? The answer is a solid no for sure! You have to learn how to change the way you react to your fear and you will be able to increase every good thing in your life.
What do I do now? Check out what I wrote below and see what that's all about. It's probably the best thing that you can do if you have OCD. The treatment for OCD is getting better and better all the time, but I really don't care about that and neither should you, as there has always been a cure and you should use that instead.
Click here to get my free OCD e-book: "Treatment for OCD"
There are so many theories about where one gets their OCD and the treatment for OCD is also a debated subject. Meanwhile, you are sitting there wondering how it even all started arn't you?
Think back before you had OCD when you did those little quirky things. You see, OCD builds up over a long period of time. It's only when you feel like something is really wrong that you feel like you just got it from no where. You see, it was happening for a long time, you just didn't notice it.
I'm sure you can go back into your memory and think about in your times of stress if the quirky little things you did were a little more involved or even more quirky. You gotta understand that we learn things from repetition in our brains, if they are mundane, or very quickly if the thing we are learning is causing a lot of pleasure or pain to us in some way.
So when we explore our brains to search for the answers, we are lead through certain pathways in our head through our neurons. These are not the same things as nerves. Neurons create connections in our head, or pathways if you will where information is disbursed.
Think of a computer and how the information travels through the memory, the harddrive and the processor. In the brain, many different parts can do many different things at once, so instead of our processing power being limited by a bottleneck in the system, we can process information way faster.
When it comes to OCD, this is what makes the treatment of OCD harder than people think. However, if the person is willing to do what it takes to get rid of their OCD, they will get rid of it, following the right system, within a few months permanently. Using things like NLP and other techniques do not permanently cure OCD. The neurons have to be conditioned naturally in order to have lasting change.
Look at the past and all throughout history, there are even kings who have been shown to have OCD thoughts. The treatment for OCD back in those days was quite different. People believed in superstition more then they do now. What you should realize is that OCD comes from stress and from a habit of reacting with fear to your thoughts.
So it's obvious then that OCD is based totally on fear. Think about this, if you were not afraid of anything, would you have OCD? The answer is a solid no for sure! You have to learn how to change the way you react to your fear and you will be able to increase every good thing in your life.
What do I do now? Check out what I wrote below and see what that's all about. It's probably the best thing that you can do if you have OCD. The treatment for OCD is getting better and better all the time, but I really don't care about that and neither should you, as there has always been a cure and you should use that instead.
Click here to get my free OCD e-book: "Treatment for OCD"
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Finding the Right Person To Help You With Your OCD
Finding the Right Person To Help You With Your OCD
How to find someone to help you with your OCD.
Now normally, people all around the world who have OCD would just go through life worrying. Some will probably go to therapists who are using hundred year old tricks. Of course some of them work and most of them not so much.
We should really rethink how good therapists, counselors and phychologists reallty are and here is why. Now of course all of the above will hate me for this article, but that's how the game is played. First off, there are some good therapists out there, but they are few far and between.
It's not really a good idea to try to learn from someone who has learned everything they know from books. You see, it's all theory and no practice. You should work with someone who has experience and results in helping others with OCD.
The very best thing to do if you have OCD thoughts is to find someone else who has had OCD thoughts and then they'll be able to teach you from experience and not just what they've read or heard about.
Be weary of "professionals" who say that they sympathize with you! You gotta understand that there are far less people who really understand OCD than you think. The fact is, it is one of the most misunderstood mental issues in the world!
So how do we actually put a permanent stop to this thing we call OCD thoughts? We can go read books and listen to relaxation tapes, or we can find someone who has been through it themselves. When faced with these two options, I would choose the latter.
The absolute best thing that you can do is actually go out into the world and find someone who has actually beaten it and then you will really be getting the best advice that you can from someone's real experience with it. You see, knowing how OCD works and how it feels is vital in being the most effective at helping someone else to get rid of it.
I have found by working with a lot of clients that a good therapist will actually not baby the person who is babying themselves with their OCD. You cannot always do what you feel like doing. With OCD the opposite is almost always what you need to be doing.
Discipline when dealing with your OCD is your best bet by far! Do not let your OCD thoughts get the best of you! You want to stand up to them and you can simply do that by not giving into them. Don't always do what you feel like doing and always know what your goals are in trying to get rid of OCD. When do you want to get rid of it by?
Dont' think for a second that reading a few articles is going to help you get rid of OCD. You see articles are good for getting little chunks of information here and there, but you really need to go out there and find a system.
People are not just going to give away all their hard earned secrets for free. It actually makes no sense. Plus, if you pay for something, you appreciate it more and you will actually use it! I can't tell you how many "free" e-books I've gotten that I never read, simply because it was free. Percieved value is important. Plus if the content is really good and you paid for it, you will actually do it, this has been proven!
Also make sure that you don't pay too much either! Don't waste your time going to those places where they charge you twenty thousand dollars to live there! I had a client do this and they said it was a huge waste of money! So be careful and do your due diligence!
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How to find someone to help you with your OCD.
Now normally, people all around the world who have OCD would just go through life worrying. Some will probably go to therapists who are using hundred year old tricks. Of course some of them work and most of them not so much.
We should really rethink how good therapists, counselors and phychologists reallty are and here is why. Now of course all of the above will hate me for this article, but that's how the game is played. First off, there are some good therapists out there, but they are few far and between.
It's not really a good idea to try to learn from someone who has learned everything they know from books. You see, it's all theory and no practice. You should work with someone who has experience and results in helping others with OCD.
The very best thing to do if you have OCD thoughts is to find someone else who has had OCD thoughts and then they'll be able to teach you from experience and not just what they've read or heard about.
Be weary of "professionals" who say that they sympathize with you! You gotta understand that there are far less people who really understand OCD than you think. The fact is, it is one of the most misunderstood mental issues in the world!
So how do we actually put a permanent stop to this thing we call OCD thoughts? We can go read books and listen to relaxation tapes, or we can find someone who has been through it themselves. When faced with these two options, I would choose the latter.
The absolute best thing that you can do is actually go out into the world and find someone who has actually beaten it and then you will really be getting the best advice that you can from someone's real experience with it. You see, knowing how OCD works and how it feels is vital in being the most effective at helping someone else to get rid of it.
I have found by working with a lot of clients that a good therapist will actually not baby the person who is babying themselves with their OCD. You cannot always do what you feel like doing. With OCD the opposite is almost always what you need to be doing.
Discipline when dealing with your OCD is your best bet by far! Do not let your OCD thoughts get the best of you! You want to stand up to them and you can simply do that by not giving into them. Don't always do what you feel like doing and always know what your goals are in trying to get rid of OCD. When do you want to get rid of it by?
Dont' think for a second that reading a few articles is going to help you get rid of OCD. You see articles are good for getting little chunks of information here and there, but you really need to go out there and find a system.
People are not just going to give away all their hard earned secrets for free. It actually makes no sense. Plus, if you pay for something, you appreciate it more and you will actually use it! I can't tell you how many "free" e-books I've gotten that I never read, simply because it was free. Percieved value is important. Plus if the content is really good and you paid for it, you will actually do it, this has been proven!
Also make sure that you don't pay too much either! Don't waste your time going to those places where they charge you twenty thousand dollars to live there! I had a client do this and they said it was a huge waste of money! So be careful and do your due diligence!
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Compulsive Disorder - Does It Mean That I'm Gay Or Bisexual Because I Have These Thoughts?
Compulsive Disorder - Does It Mean That I'm Gay Or Bisexual Because I Have These Thoughts?
Compulsive Disorder - I Have Gay Thoughts, Am I Gay Or Is It Just Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
You just don't know how many times I get this question. People that think aboutt these things are very worried about them.. Many people would have a thought like this and think that they are bisexual or gay. You don't have to worry, people that are bisexual or gay are not worried aboutt it, they are worried aboutt what others would think at first before they come out..
My own opinion is that the Lord speaks against homosexuality in the Bible and I feel that it is not the correct way to live. I think it's very clear by looking at our physiology that we are meant and designed to be straight or heterosexual.
There are examples of homosexuality in the animal kingdom like when a male dog tries to have sex with another male dog. Is this rock solid evidence stating that it's OK for us to be bisexual or gay? Not by any stretch of the imagination. There are several points of debate that people will always raise..
When people want to do something, they will use whatever argument they can to justify their desired actions in their mind and will try to convince others so they won't feel alone in their decision. As a race, we are very smart aboutt creating circumstances that help our points of view just like people who want marijuana to be legalized all across the globe, they have their evidences and points of view.
If you are fearing that you are gay or bisexual and have OCD you are probably not gay or bisexual at all. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder will often make you dwell and ruminate aboutt that which you do not want to think aboutt at all.
There are those of you that may feel that because you are thinking about hurting someone that you'd actually do it and that is not the case at all. People that are murderers do not fear that they are murderers, they just are. People that smoke do not fear that they are smokers, they just are and the same goes with homosexuality even thought all three of these examples are not even close to each other in comparison, you understand my point.
There is a lot of anxiety that is created in a person when they fear that they are going to do something that they don't want to do. The chances of you doing what you actually fear doing are slim and you don't have to worry aboutt it really. Just like a person that fears that they are going to hit someone with their car, they are the last person on earth that would ever hit a person with their car on purpose.
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Compulsive Disorder - I Have Gay Thoughts, Am I Gay Or Is It Just Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?
You just don't know how many times I get this question. People that think aboutt these things are very worried about them.. Many people would have a thought like this and think that they are bisexual or gay. You don't have to worry, people that are bisexual or gay are not worried aboutt it, they are worried aboutt what others would think at first before they come out..
My own opinion is that the Lord speaks against homosexuality in the Bible and I feel that it is not the correct way to live. I think it's very clear by looking at our physiology that we are meant and designed to be straight or heterosexual.
There are examples of homosexuality in the animal kingdom like when a male dog tries to have sex with another male dog. Is this rock solid evidence stating that it's OK for us to be bisexual or gay? Not by any stretch of the imagination. There are several points of debate that people will always raise..
When people want to do something, they will use whatever argument they can to justify their desired actions in their mind and will try to convince others so they won't feel alone in their decision. As a race, we are very smart aboutt creating circumstances that help our points of view just like people who want marijuana to be legalized all across the globe, they have their evidences and points of view.
If you are fearing that you are gay or bisexual and have OCD you are probably not gay or bisexual at all. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder will often make you dwell and ruminate aboutt that which you do not want to think aboutt at all.
There are those of you that may feel that because you are thinking about hurting someone that you'd actually do it and that is not the case at all. People that are murderers do not fear that they are murderers, they just are. People that smoke do not fear that they are smokers, they just are and the same goes with homosexuality even thought all three of these examples are not even close to each other in comparison, you understand my point.
There is a lot of anxiety that is created in a person when they fear that they are going to do something that they don't want to do. The chances of you doing what you actually fear doing are slim and you don't have to worry aboutt it really. Just like a person that fears that they are going to hit someone with their car, they are the last person on earth that would ever hit a person with their car on purpose.
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Monday, April 13, 2009
Compulsive Disorder - Something Very Strange About OCD
Compulsive Disorder - Something Very Strange About OCD
If you suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and you think that you're going crazy, don't fret yet. There is something very strange about OCD that makes you feel like you are going insane.
Have you ever noticed that your OCD morphs? Many of my clients tell me that the things that they used to fear are not a concern to them anymore and they don't have to do the same rituals anymore.
I have so many clients asking me why their Obsessive Compulsive Disorder morphs and changes on them?" This leads many people to believe that they have a special kind of OCD and that no one else suffers from what you do.
You are not that special. What I mean by that is that you are no better than other people who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. We are all equal in God's eyes. It's a great fact to know that you are not the only one who had to go through what you are going through now.
When you find a proven program that works for you, and there are many out there, you can and will get over your OCD for good! Really think about that, living a life without Compulsive Disorder!
I can think of all the times that I was miserable with OCD and I would spend long nights ruminating about really disturbing scenarios. I would wake my dad up at five in the morning crying because of my OCD.
I remember that I could not throw trash away in public trashcans without cleaning it first. Really odd and bizarre things that just made me feel like I was a lunatic!
Even if you really can't imagine there being an end to this thing we call OCD, believe it, because it's there it exists. That there is a way for you to get back on track and get your life back.
I remember thinking that I would always suffer with OCD for the rest of my life. I almost fell for it. I decided that what I really needed to do was the beat it. There really is no other choice as far as I'm concerned. That is no way to live by just allowing OCD to take over your life?
I believe that it is God's will for us to have a mind at peace. I believe that it is God's will for our souls to be at rest and for us not to worry. Many times you will see in the Bible where is commands us not to worry!" What are you going to do? Are you going to continue suffering or are you going to take action and beat your OCD?
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Saturday, April 11, 2009
Compulsive Disorder - How and Why Your Brain Forms Rituals
Compulsive Disorder - How and Why Your Brain Forms Rituals
Is there a way that we can help put a stop to the annoyingly strong desire to perform rituals?
You first have to realize where rituals come from and why they exist. The rituals that we conjure up are a response to a certain stimuli and then a subsequent belief and thought about that stimuli.
So we basically form rituals that help us cope with what is going on around us. If you look at a child who was just denied her request to have an ice cream, you can see that she responds in a manner that makes it obvious to you that she is not happy.
So we can see that how she reacted to this stimuli shows us that that this action of hers is just a response to the stimuli. Then if the mother were to hand her an ice cream cone, most likely her demeanor would be much more happy almost instantly.
This happens because the little girl tells herself that she cannot be happy until she gets what she wants, or in this case, an ice cream cone. We can see that she could have chosen to be content and happy during the whole event. It was in fact a choice.
You have a lot of power over Obsessive Compulsive Disorder when you learn of the fact that you can choose how you react to stimuli and in fact, choose how you feel.
The girl did have a choice to not have a tantrum when she did not get what she wanted? Was this possible? She could have responded any way she wanted to, but in this case, she threw a fit. When she was growing up, she learned that when she had a tantrum, she found that she usually got what she wanted.
Having developed this association in her head, she forms what appears to be a "natural reaction" to the stimulus of not getting her ice cream. In reality, this set of actions and behavior were learned. If when she was a baby, she only got what she wanted when she stopped crying, then that is how she would "naturally respond."
What If find really interesting about all this is the fact that a lot of us just want to be lazy and think, "I cannot control how I react, I just react naturally.So you can see from above that you don't really have a "natural reaction" but in fact that it was learned.
People in general do not act is the same exact way as each other, but rather, they have similarities in way that they act. People react similar to similar situations so we can see that there are trends that we can study. One of the most wonderful things about this is that once we realize how our behaviors are formed, we can use that information to create a system to cure many maladies and have most certainly with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
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Is there a way that we can help put a stop to the annoyingly strong desire to perform rituals?
You first have to realize where rituals come from and why they exist. The rituals that we conjure up are a response to a certain stimuli and then a subsequent belief and thought about that stimuli.
So we basically form rituals that help us cope with what is going on around us. If you look at a child who was just denied her request to have an ice cream, you can see that she responds in a manner that makes it obvious to you that she is not happy.
So we can see that how she reacted to this stimuli shows us that that this action of hers is just a response to the stimuli. Then if the mother were to hand her an ice cream cone, most likely her demeanor would be much more happy almost instantly.
This happens because the little girl tells herself that she cannot be happy until she gets what she wants, or in this case, an ice cream cone. We can see that she could have chosen to be content and happy during the whole event. It was in fact a choice.
You have a lot of power over Obsessive Compulsive Disorder when you learn of the fact that you can choose how you react to stimuli and in fact, choose how you feel.
The girl did have a choice to not have a tantrum when she did not get what she wanted? Was this possible? She could have responded any way she wanted to, but in this case, she threw a fit. When she was growing up, she learned that when she had a tantrum, she found that she usually got what she wanted.
Having developed this association in her head, she forms what appears to be a "natural reaction" to the stimulus of not getting her ice cream. In reality, this set of actions and behavior were learned. If when she was a baby, she only got what she wanted when she stopped crying, then that is how she would "naturally respond."
What If find really interesting about all this is the fact that a lot of us just want to be lazy and think, "I cannot control how I react, I just react naturally.So you can see from above that you don't really have a "natural reaction" but in fact that it was learned.
People in general do not act is the same exact way as each other, but rather, they have similarities in way that they act. People react similar to similar situations so we can see that there are trends that we can study. One of the most wonderful things about this is that once we realize how our behaviors are formed, we can use that information to create a system to cure many maladies and have most certainly with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
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Friday, April 10, 2009
Compulsive Disorder - What is Pure O when it comes to OCD?
Compulsive Disorder - What is Pure O when it comes to OCD?
The people who we refer to as Pure O's are people who suffer from the feeling of having to perform mental rituals, repeat mantras, etc. They will basically feel a very strong urge to count objects, syllables, words,etc.
I would say that some people who are "pure o's" can and do physical rituals as well, but they mainly suffer from obsessions.
There is only one cure for all OCD so no matter what type of OCD that you have it does not matter.
Now there are many different programs that work for many different types but the basic premise of healing is underlying in each one.
No matter what therapy you use, this is what they all attempt to do. Some work better than others but here it is.
They all help you stop performing rituals and teach you how to think like a person without OCD. Do you know what will happen to your life if you learn to teach yourself how to think like someone that doesn't have OCD? You will no longer have OCD.
I know this sounds like a dream and to good to be true and all that. The only reason I know that what I am saying works is because I got rid of my OCD by following these principles.
When you see a technique that has worked for many people, you should not think that you are a special case and that it will not or could not work for you. You don't want to cut your own success short. You've got to decide for yourself if you have enough information and a system which to follow that will help you to get over OCD. Do not allow people to lecture you out of being successful by way of saying to you that these techniques won't work, they are just being negative. OCD should be taken very seriously and only you and not anybody else can tell you what will work for you. There are many important reasons why I write down so many techniques and each one has a purpose. They simply work. They didn't just work for me, but for thousands of people. I try to provide the best possible quality into all of the information that I give to you.
Take action: Take advice from someone who has had proven results and from someone who has been able to help other people with their same methods.
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The people who we refer to as Pure O's are people who suffer from the feeling of having to perform mental rituals, repeat mantras, etc. They will basically feel a very strong urge to count objects, syllables, words,etc.
I would say that some people who are "pure o's" can and do physical rituals as well, but they mainly suffer from obsessions.
There is only one cure for all OCD so no matter what type of OCD that you have it does not matter.
Now there are many different programs that work for many different types but the basic premise of healing is underlying in each one.
No matter what therapy you use, this is what they all attempt to do. Some work better than others but here it is.
They all help you stop performing rituals and teach you how to think like a person without OCD. Do you know what will happen to your life if you learn to teach yourself how to think like someone that doesn't have OCD? You will no longer have OCD.
I know this sounds like a dream and to good to be true and all that. The only reason I know that what I am saying works is because I got rid of my OCD by following these principles.
When you see a technique that has worked for many people, you should not think that you are a special case and that it will not or could not work for you. You don't want to cut your own success short. You've got to decide for yourself if you have enough information and a system which to follow that will help you to get over OCD. Do not allow people to lecture you out of being successful by way of saying to you that these techniques won't work, they are just being negative. OCD should be taken very seriously and only you and not anybody else can tell you what will work for you. There are many important reasons why I write down so many techniques and each one has a purpose. They simply work. They didn't just work for me, but for thousands of people. I try to provide the best possible quality into all of the information that I give to you.
Take action: Take advice from someone who has had proven results and from someone who has been able to help other people with their same methods.
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Thursday, April 9, 2009
Compulsive Disorder - Thoughts of Hurting Others As Well As Other Types of OCD
Compulsive Disorder - Thoughts of Hurting Others As Well As Other Types of OCD
Do you ever have thoughts of hurting other people?
Do you ever fear that one day you will end up in jail because you hurt or killed someone else because of your OCD?
Don't worry. You are not alone in this fear. Millions of people that suffer from OCD face this fear every day. These are well meaning people that know they would never do anything like this. They just suffer with thoughts about it.
The first thing you should know is that these are intrusive thoughts and that our brains sometimes think about things we don't want it to think about. It's almost like a battle in your mind.
You might be thinking, "there must be a reason why I'm thinking like this, maybe I am a serial killer or something." Nope, not true at all.
Our brains are fascinated with things that sometimes we would not like them to be fascinated about. You can clearly see from history that violence is craved by people and people want to see it, that is why it's so popular on our media, such as video games and tv and it is so popular. Our brains are attracted to various kinds of violence that is why it's so popular in our media.
Watching violence and doing it are two very different things so you don't have to fear that if you like watching it, you'd actually do it because that's not true. These are two different universes.
If you feel that you really would harm someone, you should seek counseling immediately and possibly some medication.
If you are just having intrusive thoughts, just know that they are just that, intrusive thoughts. You can delight in the fact that you won't ever harm a person and that is why you don't have to worry anymore. Look at the fact that you are so worried about it as a testament to the fact that you would never actually do it.
Take action: If you feel like you'd actually harm someone, get counseling immediately and possibly medication.
If you can recognize that these thoughts are just intrusive thoughts, when you worry about something, that usually means that there is no way in the world that you would do what you are afraid you're going to do. So rest easy, knowing it's an intrusive thought. Just think about things that you love, maybe it could be vacations or even rainbows or money or whatever. Get yourself excited about something, when you are excited about something, it gives you less time to worry.
When you can become good at recognizing when you are having an OCD thought, then you will realize that you really don't have to worry about it. You can know when you are having an OCD thought because you'll feel like you have to do a ritual. You can truly realize that it's just an OCD thought and not you who is willing to do the thought. This is believe it or not, half the battle.
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Do you ever have thoughts of hurting other people?
Do you ever fear that one day you will end up in jail because you hurt or killed someone else because of your OCD?
Don't worry. You are not alone in this fear. Millions of people that suffer from OCD face this fear every day. These are well meaning people that know they would never do anything like this. They just suffer with thoughts about it.
The first thing you should know is that these are intrusive thoughts and that our brains sometimes think about things we don't want it to think about. It's almost like a battle in your mind.
You might be thinking, "there must be a reason why I'm thinking like this, maybe I am a serial killer or something." Nope, not true at all.
Our brains are fascinated with things that sometimes we would not like them to be fascinated about. You can clearly see from history that violence is craved by people and people want to see it, that is why it's so popular on our media, such as video games and tv and it is so popular. Our brains are attracted to various kinds of violence that is why it's so popular in our media.
Watching violence and doing it are two very different things so you don't have to fear that if you like watching it, you'd actually do it because that's not true. These are two different universes.
If you feel that you really would harm someone, you should seek counseling immediately and possibly some medication.
If you are just having intrusive thoughts, just know that they are just that, intrusive thoughts. You can delight in the fact that you won't ever harm a person and that is why you don't have to worry anymore. Look at the fact that you are so worried about it as a testament to the fact that you would never actually do it.
Take action: If you feel like you'd actually harm someone, get counseling immediately and possibly medication.
If you can recognize that these thoughts are just intrusive thoughts, when you worry about something, that usually means that there is no way in the world that you would do what you are afraid you're going to do. So rest easy, knowing it's an intrusive thought. Just think about things that you love, maybe it could be vacations or even rainbows or money or whatever. Get yourself excited about something, when you are excited about something, it gives you less time to worry.
When you can become good at recognizing when you are having an OCD thought, then you will realize that you really don't have to worry about it. You can know when you are having an OCD thought because you'll feel like you have to do a ritual. You can truly realize that it's just an OCD thought and not you who is willing to do the thought. This is believe it or not, half the battle.
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Friday, April 3, 2009
Compulsive Disorder - So What Should I Do Now That I Have OCD?
Compulsive Disorder - So What Should I Do Now That I Have OCD?
There is a first step for those who find out that they have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. One of the first things is to understand what is really going on inside your brain.
There is a problem with people who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder where they will feel it start to happen and they have this fear instead of faith. You need to realize that the only thing that separates someone who has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and someone who does not is how they react to their thoughts and fears.
You've got to realize that when you feel so strongly to do compulsions, that it's just anxiety stemming from your OCD. You need to have a name for what is going on. The fear that a lot of people have is that they don't know what's wrong, they just know that something is wrong. Knowing what that something is is half the battle. If you can properly identify when you are having anxiety over doing a ritual then you will be well on your way to getting better.
One of the things that people who have beaten OCD have in common is the fact that they have changed the way that they react to their anxiety. They realize that it is just anxiety and OCD and that it can't hurt them. This is the first thing that you need to learn and implement as you start your journey to becoming OCD free. You should know that you can get rid of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder if you can properly identify what anxiety is!
What is it then that you should do right now? This is one way that you can use this knowledge? There are so many methods that you'll come across that will attempt to show you how to deal with OCD or how to stop it completely. If you don't use this knowledge, it's like you don't even know it! So now that you have the new information, you need to just do it. Here is an example: Bob just finds out that he is having a hard time with his ritual of touching the door knob obsessively. He looks at the door knob and he feels like he has to touch it because if he doesn't, he will go to hell.
He then thinks to himself, "this is an OCD thought!" I don't have to panic at this thought and I don't have to worry about it. He then thinks about how ridiculous he would sound if he told his friends his fear and realizes that maybe it is silly, so he says it out loud to himself and kinda chuckles..."I am afraid that if I don't touch the door knob seven times that i will go to hell." He sees this, man, that is crazy!
He realizes that by saying it out loud, the information is being processed by a different part of the brain which when it analyzes it tells the other part of the brain the processed it first, "this is a silly fear!" This is like using peer pressure in your own brain to help teach you that this is not something to fear, but to laugh at!
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There is a first step for those who find out that they have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. One of the first things is to understand what is really going on inside your brain.
There is a problem with people who suffer from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder where they will feel it start to happen and they have this fear instead of faith. You need to realize that the only thing that separates someone who has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and someone who does not is how they react to their thoughts and fears.
You've got to realize that when you feel so strongly to do compulsions, that it's just anxiety stemming from your OCD. You need to have a name for what is going on. The fear that a lot of people have is that they don't know what's wrong, they just know that something is wrong. Knowing what that something is is half the battle. If you can properly identify when you are having anxiety over doing a ritual then you will be well on your way to getting better.
One of the things that people who have beaten OCD have in common is the fact that they have changed the way that they react to their anxiety. They realize that it is just anxiety and OCD and that it can't hurt them. This is the first thing that you need to learn and implement as you start your journey to becoming OCD free. You should know that you can get rid of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder if you can properly identify what anxiety is!
What is it then that you should do right now? This is one way that you can use this knowledge? There are so many methods that you'll come across that will attempt to show you how to deal with OCD or how to stop it completely. If you don't use this knowledge, it's like you don't even know it! So now that you have the new information, you need to just do it. Here is an example: Bob just finds out that he is having a hard time with his ritual of touching the door knob obsessively. He looks at the door knob and he feels like he has to touch it because if he doesn't, he will go to hell.
He then thinks to himself, "this is an OCD thought!" I don't have to panic at this thought and I don't have to worry about it. He then thinks about how ridiculous he would sound if he told his friends his fear and realizes that maybe it is silly, so he says it out loud to himself and kinda chuckles..."I am afraid that if I don't touch the door knob seven times that i will go to hell." He sees this, man, that is crazy!
He realizes that by saying it out loud, the information is being processed by a different part of the brain which when it analyzes it tells the other part of the brain the processed it first, "this is a silly fear!" This is like using peer pressure in your own brain to help teach you that this is not something to fear, but to laugh at!
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