This is where I blog about all the new OCD stuff that I learn about every day. I will provide you with my best and must up-to-date information on what I think is useful in becoming OCD free! Enjoy ;p

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Stopping OCD - You Must Do This One Thing in Order to Be Successful in Stopping OCD!

Stopping OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is not as easy as people make it out to be. How do I know this? Because I have OCD and I beat it. Stopping OCD takes dedication and effort. It takes a goal. I found out through trial and error that there is really only one thing that everyone with OCD must do, but most people don't.

What that one thing is is realizing that no matter how you go about it, you have to, at some point, stop doing your rituals. There is no getting around it. There is no magic pill or magic cure that will allow you to avoid the hardest part of the process, but if you forget about looking for a quick fix and actually start taking action now, you'll be OCD free way before someone who is looking for that magic bullet.

You have to be dedicated to the process. What do I mean by that? I mean that you must stick with a decision that you have made. Many people will go and buy a program that claims to help them in stopping OCD, but they never follow through. I have found this to be true, not only in OCD sufferers, but also in people of every kind of walk and problem. Don't just learn information, focus on how you can use this information.

So how can you use this information here? Well most people are under the impression that there is this big secret to stopping OCD that can be summarized in a sentence or two and if I tried to summarize it in a sentence, you would not have nearly enough information to do anything effective in regard to your OCD. Trust me, if you really want to be successful in stopping OCD, you'll have to take on a mindset that says that it is not instant and that to get lasting results, it will take time.

That is why people that become OCD by perfecting the art of stopping OCD, it's virtually impossible for them to suffer with it again because they know how to deal with it and on top of that, they know how to stop the thought process that traps and tricks so many people.

Are you one of those people? Are you one of the people who has fallen for OCD? Are you one of the people who suffers with it everyday and say to yourself and to God, "Why me?" I am here to remind you of the obvious, that you are going about it the wrong way, and that reading random articles about OCD does not cure it, if that were the case, why are you still looking for OCD information and why are you reading this article.

You really should consider how you are handling your OCD. The difference between someone with OCD and someone with out OCD is how they react to their thoughts. How do you react to your thoughts? How do you talk to yourself when you have OCD thoughts. Most people are saying the very things to themselves that are actually making their OCD worse. Stopping OCD is a process, if you want it to be real, if you want it to be permanent, know that this is what it will take. Check out what I have below for you below, you'll be glad you did!

Click here to get my OCD e-book for free: "Stopping OCD"

Derek Soto is an ex-sufferer of OCD who teaches people how to overcome their OCD for good in a very short time using little known techniques which are usually ignored by the medical field altogether.

Derek Soto also mentors people on a wide range of subjects including how to control your thinking naturally, how to defeat anxiety, phobias and how to change your thought processes so that you will be happier and live a more fulfilling life, period.